The Invitation of the Camillians to Pope Francis

Carlo e FrancescoThis morning Br. Carlo Mangione, M.I., the head of central activities for the fourth centenary, was received by Pope Francis after the usual Holy Mass at Casa Santa Marta.

Br. Carlo invited the Holy Father on behalf of the General Consulta of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick to preside in July 2014 over the ending of the jubilee year for the fourth centenary at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Campo Marzio in Rome, with a celebration together with sick people.

After closely leafing through the photographic book ‘Presences’ by Guillermo Luna, which bears witness to the commitment of the Camillians to the sick in very many countries of the world, the Supreme Pontiff addressed words of affection and encouragement to him as regards the difficult moment that the Order is now going through.00931_16122013

Near to Holy Christmas, the embrace at the level of feelings of the Pope is for all of us – religious, lay faithful and volunteers – a reason for joy and also of hope in continuing along the path that was pointed out to us by our Founder.


[Galleria fotografica]

[Leggi la rassegna stampa delle attività per il IV Centenario]