General Assembly of the Camillian Delegation in France

The first general assembly of the Camillian Delegation in France took place with good participation of the Camillian confreres from February 19th to 21st, 2024, hosted in the Camillian community of Bry-sur-Marne.

It was the first synodal experience of its kind. In fact, until a few years ago, France represented an autonomous Camillian province ; then it became a ‘general delegation under the authority of the superior general,’ and then it received the status of Delegation of the Camillian Province of Burkina Faso. Fourteen Camillian religious and a moderator, Dr. Bruno Durochat, participated in this assembly. Father Edmond Yanogo, representative of the provincial superior of the Camillian Province of Burkina Faso, intervened as an observer. It was a beautiful moment of reflection, planning, projection towards the future, and fraternity.

The Camillian Delegation of France, in light of the Word of God, the Constitution of our Order, the teachings of St. Camillus, and the indications of the General Consulta, sought in this assembly context to discern the future of the Delegation with an attitude of faith and hope. It was a precious opportunity to propose strategies to be a faithful and creative Camillian delegation that walks to follow Christ the Good Samaritan and to always make His merciful Love present for the sick.

The main objective of these very rich days was to develop the strategic plan. This objective was achieved thanks to the contribution of everyone and the guidance of the moderator. In addition to the strategic plan, we addressed together important issues of our fraternity and community life, such as the issue of incardination, financial and property audits, etc.

Fr. Justin Nana MI