Monthly Archives: April 2015

Today, Tuesday 7 April, witnessed the beginning of the course of formation for workers engaged in psycho-social support for the victims of Ebola (CBPSF). This programme, which starts with wider planning within the diocese of Makeni sponsored by the Italian

At the heart of the Gospel there is this long suffering, a God who dies for love. Something that I do not manage to understand and yet which calls me, disarms me and wounds me. And I, each time, am

In copertina: Niccolò dell’Arca, Compianto sul Cristo morto, gruppo di statue in terracotta, Bologna, Santa Maria della Vita, inizio anni Sessanta del XV secolo. E. Mounier, Lettere sul dolore. Uno sguardo sul mistero della sofferenza, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, Milano, 2001

He saw and believed

 EUGENE BURNAND – Moudon (Switzerland) 1850-1921 ‘The Disciples Peter and John hurry to the tomb (Jn 20:1-9) 1898 – Paris, Musée d’Orsay Two men dressed in an old fashioned way are running in the light towards a golden dawn while