PRESENTATION My name is Eduardo Morante, I come from Peru; we have been in Peru for a long time. The Peruvian foundation is dated to 300 years ago and is one of our oldest presences after those that were founded
Interviste Capitolo Generale
PRESENTATION My name is Henry Nintema, I come from Burkina Faso and we are now a Vice-Province and in this Vice-Province I am at the present time the Vice-Provincial. Our Vice-Province has 92 religious of whom 68 are perpetually professed
PRESENTAZIONE Il mio nome è P. Peter Phakhawee Sengcharoen, membro camilliano della Provincia Tailandese. Lavoro per il Camillian Social Centre Rayong, dove si trovano persone affette e che convivono con l’HIV e l’AIDS. LE ASPETTATIVE Per questo incontro del Capitolo spero che possa
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