Fr. Leocin Pessini – 57th General Chapter, May 9 2013


In Brazil I am known as Father Leo Pessini, my full name is Leocir and it’s a little strange. As you can see from my surname I come from Italy, from the region of Cremona, my ancestors come from there, they left Italy to go to Brazil. I am Brazilian and I am the Provincial of the Brazilian province since three years. Before being provincial I carried out a work in the camillian University of Health we have in Sao Paulo.


I think we’re halfway, this Chapter is taking the main decisions for the next days. For my part, I feel an extraordinary experience of fraternity among the confreres of 5 different continents with different cultures and languages. This Chapter is a good opportunity to understand different cultures and different realities. In my opinion it’s really a unique experience.


My expectation for the chapter is creating an atmosphere of serenity and respect, despite the our different opinions about the Church and the Order.