With every day that passes, the damage and the deaths caused by the hurricane Matthew grow. More than a thousand deaths, tens of thousands of displaced persons, and incalculable damage to homes in the area of the city of Jeremie. The Camillians, with a small but active community, are at the centre of the disaster. The typhoon swept everything away with winds of over 240 kilometres an hour.
Father Massimo Miraglio and Father Robert have spoken about death and destruction but above all else they have asked for help. There is a lack of medicines, food, water and places to take shelter. The Camillian hospital, which is currently under construction, has been damaged at a structural level but continues to offer what it can. The international team of the Camillian Disaster Service will reach the Foyer Saint Camille in Port-au-Prince in a few hours’ time. It is going to the site of the tragedy with the aim of supporting emergency action and beginning immediately to create the conditions for a structured initiative. Cholera, together with hunger, are a reality that can kill the most vulnerable parts of the population, and in particular children and the elderly.
We are asking for help, for the economic resources that are needed to act in this emergency but above all to stop death and promote life.
Questo il Conto Corrente Cadis a cui far inviare i bonfici destinati ad Haiti (causale Emergenza Haiti)
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