The ‘Humanisation of Medicine’ Prize Awarded to the Camillian Order

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFr. Paolo Guarise, the Vicar General of the Camillians, on behalf of the whole of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick, received the ‘Humanisation of Medicine’ prize awarded by the Academy of the History of the Art of Health-Care.

An honour for the Order ‘which for 400 years has dedicated all its activities to assistance and care for the sick, in every part of the world’. This was the reasoning behind the award of the prize this morning at the National Historical Museum of the Art of Health-Care which is near to the Hospital of the Holy Spirit in Sassia in Rome.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAIn the presence of civil, religious and military dignitaries, the President of the Academy Gianni Iacovelli observed that ‘for thirty years St. Camillus de Lellis, the founder of the Order, worked in this Roman hospital and gave here ample demonstration of his spirit of charity’.

Father Paolo Guarise also referred to St. Camillus ‘the inventor of a new school of charity’ when receiving the prestigious prize which in recent years has been awarded to the two Supreme Pontiffs John Paul II and Benedict XVI, amongst others.

The Academy of the History of the Art of Health Care, which was instituted in 1933, boasts amongst its founding members the principal ministers of the Republic of Italy, amongst which those of health as well. One of its tasks according to its statutes is to maintain the national museum of the same name, an artistic jewel of a European level. Amongst the objects present of the ancient shelves one can admire a relic of the life of St. Camillus de Lellis.




[Galleria fotografica]

[Guarda il video della premiazione – le parole del pres. dell’Accademia Gianni Iacovelli]

[Leggi la rassegna stampa delle attività per il IV Centenario]