The General Consulta

The General Consulta

‘For effective government of the Oder, at least four general consultors are elected, as established by the general statutes, to assist the superior general in carrying out his duties. Together with him they form the general consulta, and they assist him by consultative or deliberative vote according to the statutes and traditions of the Order. As consultors they have no jurisdiction over the houses of persons of the Order’ (Constitution,  n. 99).

The new general council of the Order

For the good governance of the Order and to help Fr. Pedro Celso Tramontin, superior general, in his task, the general consultors will coordinate the following areas of responsibility for the next sixennium (2022-2028):

* Fr. Gianfranco Lunardon, vicar general, will continue to manage the general secretariat of the Order in addition to the General Prosecutor’s Office;

* Fr. Baby Ellickal will be in charge of the secretariat for formation;

* Fr. Medard Aboué will be the secretariat coordinator for the ministry;

* Br. Paul Kaboré will have responsibility for the mission secretariat.
