Tomorrow, 16 November 2015, the feast day of Mary Salus Infirmorum, at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Campo Marzio, Rome, Msgr. Zygmunt Zimowski, the President of the Pontifical Council or Health Care Workers (for Health Pastoral Care), will preside over the celebration of the Eucharist at 19.00.
The celebration will be accompanied by the words of the Holy Father:
‘To all those who assist the sick and the suffering I express my confident hope that they will draw inspiration from Mary, the Mother of Mercy. “May the sweetness of her countenance watch over us in this Holy Year, so that all of us may rediscover the joy of God’s tenderness”, allow it to dwell in our hearts and express it in our actions! Let us entrust to the Virgin Mary our trials and tribulations, together with our joys and consolations. Let us beg her to turn her eyes of mercy towards us, especially in times of pain, and make us worthy of beholding, today and always, the merciful face of her Son Jesus’.
From the Message of Pope Francis for the XXIV World Day of the Sick (11 February 2016)
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