Our Missions – Monthly letter of the Superior General

“Our Order assumes its role and becomes involved with its special charism in a variety of missionary activities, faithful to the Lord’s Command to heal the sick and preach the Gospel” (C.56).

Dear confreres,

We are entering a special month dedicated to the Missions. In his message for the 98th World Mission Day, which will be celebrated on October 20, 2024, Pope Francis invites us to reflect on verse 9 of the Gospel parable of the wedding feast (Mt. 22:1-14): “Go therefore to the thoroughfares, and invite to the marriage feast as many as you find.” The Pope reminds us that mission is a tireless going out to invite others to the Lord’s banquet.

Our Order has always responded to this call by actively participating in the mission of the Church, committing itself to assisting the sick and the underprivileged around the world, with our presence in 38 countries on 5 continents. Our missions have always been a source of consolation, growth and commitment for the Order. I take this opportunity to share with you a brief reflection on our missions around the world.

During the major superiors’ meeting with the General Consulta in June 2024, our missions were at the center of the discussions, in front of the main challenges to their growth and self-sufficiency. In fact, the discussion revealed that our missions are facing three main challenges.

First, some of them operate in contexts marked by wars and conflicts, which endanger the lives of our confreres who, despite these difficulties, continue to carry out their mission with courage, keeping the flame of Charity alive. We wish much courage to our confreres who fight the good fight for the sanctification of our Institute.Second, our missions have financial difficulties in maintaining and ensuring self-sufficiency of the facilities. Their financial resources come from the mother provinces and sometimes from nongovernmental organizations. Unfortunately, the security situation and the poverty of the people in these countries are not very conducive to recovering expenses.

Finally, the vocation crisis remains very pronounced in some missions. They struggle to attract new vocations. This vocational challenge is sometimes due to a shortage of religious and socio-cultural factors that hinder pastoral work.

To meet these challenges, it is essential to strengthen collaboration among the Provinces, Vice-Provinces and Delegations of our Order. We seek to fortify our expertise in the various areas of ministry, particularly in vocation promotion ministry.

Article 58 of our Constitution urges us to promote cooperation among our vice-provinces and provinces. “In order to respond adequately to the gift that we have received from God … we promote within the Order community reflection, discernment, and cooperation among the confreres, communities and provinces.” This implies the sharing of human and material resources, as stated in Article 130 of the Constitution, “The provinces and vice-provinces, forming parts of a single body, also cooperate for the good of the whole Order and among themselves exchange temporal goods, in such a way that those with more means give help to those who are in need.”

Under the coordination of Brother Paul KABORE, General Councillor in charge of Missions, a series of activities are planned to facilitate everyone’s participation in the missionary thrust. In particular, Brother Paul, with his committee, is planning:

– The reorganization of the Secretariat for Missions at the level of the Order;

– Meetings with councillors in charge of missions in provinces and delegations;

– Dialogues with confreres from some Foundations;

– The drafting of an orientation document for Missions.

Our missions, despite difficult contexts, vocational and economic crises, are essential to the vitality and expansion of our Order. The success of our missions depends on a synodal-missionary commitment, uniting all of us in the expansion of the Camillian Charism. Pope Francis stressed that “synodality is essentially missionary and, vice versa, mission is always synodal.” This implies that mission cannot be lived in isolation, but requires the active involvement of the whole community.

Dear missionary confreres, your commitment and dedication in the Camillian missions bring hope, light and love to those who need it most. Thank you for the courage you show every day, despite the challenges and difficulties you encounter along the way. Your strength and sacrifice are an example to us all. Do not forget that your mission transforms lives and brings the Gospel to where it is most needed. God is always by your side, and your service is a living testimony of His mercy.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your faithfulness and spirit of service. You are never alone: our prayers and support accompany you wherever you are. Continue to carry on this extraordinary mission with joy and perseverance.

Through the intercession of St. Camillus and Mary, our Lady of the Missions, may the Lord grant us the grace to keep alive the missionary spirit for the greater glory of God and the salvation of peoples.

Cordial greetings and a thousand blessings to all!

Fr. Pedro Tramontin MI