Newsletter N. 82 – The Camillian World Seen from Rome…and Rome seen from the world

Newsletter 82/January 2022


Message of his Holiness Pope Francis for the thirtieth world day of the sick

Dear brothers and sisters,

Thirty years ago, Saint John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick to encourage the people of God, Catholic health institutions and civil society to be increasingly attentive to the sick and to those who care for them. [1]

We are grateful to the Lord for the progress made over the years in the particular Churches worldwide. Many advances have been made, yet there is still a long way to go in ensuring that all the sick, also those living in places and situations of great poverty and marginalization, receive the health care they need, as well as the pastoral care that can help them experience their sickness in union with the crucified and risen Christ. May the Thirtieth World Day of the Sick – whose closing celebration, due to the pandemic, will not take place as planned in Arequipa, Peru, but in Saint Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican – help us grow in closeness and service to the sick and to their families.

1. Merciful like the Father

The theme chosen for this Thirtieth World Day of the Sick, “Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36), makes us first turn our gaze towards God, who is “rich in mercy” (Eph 2:4); he always watches over his children with a father’s love, even when they turn away from him. Mercy is God’s name par excellence; mercy, understood not as an occasional sentimental feeling but as an ever-present and active force, expresses God’s very nature.  It combines strength and tenderness. For this reason, we can say with wonder and gratitude that God’s mercy embraces both fatherhood and motherhood (cf. Is 49:15). God cares for us with the strength of a father and the tenderness of a mother; he unceasingly desires to give us new life in the Holy Spirit.

2. Jesus, the mercy of the Father

The supreme witness of the Father’s merciful love for the sick is his only-begotten Son. How often do the Gospels relate Jesus’ encounters with people suffering from various diseases! He “went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every infirmity among the people” (Mt 4:23). We do well to ask ourselves why Jesus showed such great concern for the sick, so much so that he made it paramount in the mission of the apostles, who were sent by the Master to proclaim the Gospel and to heal the sick (cf. Lk 9:2).

One twentieth-century philosopher suggests a reason for this: “Pain isolates in an absolute way, and absolute isolation gives rise to the need to appeal to the other, to call out to the other”. [2] When individuals experience frailty and suffering in their own flesh as a result of illness, their hearts become heavy, fear spreads, uncertainties multiply, and questions about the meaning of what is happening in their lives become all the more urgent. How can we forget, in this regard, all those patients who, during this time of pandemic spent the last part of their earthly life in solitude, in an intensive care unit, assisted by generous healthcare workers, yet far from their loved ones and the most important people in their lives? This helps us to see how important is the presence at our side of witnesses to God’s charity, who, following the example of Jesus, the very mercy of the Father, pour the balm of consolation and the wine of hope on the wounds of the sick. [3]


February 02, 1575 – Conversion of St. Camillus de Lellis


The conversion of Camillus

Camillus, on taking his leave, recommended himself to the prayers of the Father Guardian, and the next morning set off on his return to Manfredonia. He rode on a packhorse, between two skins of wine done up in sacks, ruminating on the exhortations he had heard the evening before. Suddenly he felt within him a ray of heavenly light, that made him at once fully aware of his own miserable state, and awakened in him such an intense grief for his sins that his heart was crushed and broken by his excessive contrition. Being quite overcome by it, he dismounted in the middle of the road, and kneeling down on a stone, he wept inconsolably for his ill-spent life. “wretch that I am!” he exclaimed, with a voice choked by his sobs, “oh most unhappy! Why did I not know my Lord sooner? Why was I so deaf to His calls? Why have I so often offended God’s goodness? How much better would it have been for me if I had never been born! Forgive, Lord, forgive this grievous sinner, and give me time to do true penance.” As he said this, he struck his breast with all his strength; and his shame was so great that he did not dare to lift his eyes to heaven, thinking himself unworthy to look at it. He did not rise from his knees, nor cease weeping before returning most humble thanks to that Divine Goodness which had borne with him to that time, or before making a most firm resolution never to offend again; he then renewed his vow to enroll himself as soon as possible among the Capuchins, that in that order he might consecrate the rest of his days to a severe penance, often repeating, “No more of the world, no more of the world.”

All his promises he kept faithfully, for from that day forward which was the 2nd of February, the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Mary, ever virgin, in the holy year 1575, and the twenty-fifth year of his age, his conscience never more accused him of any mortal sin (Cicatelli, pp. 26-27).

We can define the spiritual experience of human being as a progressive and ever-new awareness of the God of the Gospel, in the awareness of oneself. What comes to mind is the image of Teresa of Avila’s “interior castle”, where the Trinity dwells in the innermost room. Well, the path that the saint indicates for the encounter with God admits no doubt: “Bring your gaze to the center” (Mansioni I,2,8). It is as if we were given a new gaze, a new way of looking at ourselves, through which – surprisingly – we also discover the presence of God. It is the beginning of a new way of defining ourselves, beginning with the experience of unconditional love; a new way of defining ourselves, from which we cannot omit God, denying our very identity.

This new way of seeing ourselves and God is a willingness to accept ourselves for what we are and to let God exist as He wants to reveal Himself. A way that inevitably requires a purification of the mind, heart, desire, and will. Between the illusion and the authentic experience of God, there is therefore an obligatory passage: conversion.

We approach Camillus’ spiritual experience and we do it starting from the moment of his conversion.



Good news from the land of Georgia! The Camillian brother, deacon Lasha Manukian, will be ordained a priest by the Bishop Monsignor Giuseppe Pasotto, on February 1, 2022 at 14:00, local time, in the Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Tbilisi.

The ceremony can be followed through the social channel



December 8, 2021: Four young Camillian confreres were ordained deacons on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, in Burkina Faso. May they always be “servants of the Father and of Father’s sons/brothers.”


Some shots of the Eucharistic Celebration on the occasion of the 25th year of the death of our Alexandre Toe.




Five young candidates from Madagascar began their journey of Camillian novitiate, accompanied by their confreres from Burkina Faso, in Ouagadougou, on Saturday, December 18, 2021. We wish them a fruitful year of formation to the Camillian life!



The Camillian Province of Brazil is living the centenary of the arrival of Camillians in Brazil. The Order founded by St. Camillus de Lellis is distinguished for its care of the sick and has faced several challenges to put its mission into practice.

In commemoration of 100 years of Camillian presence in Brazil, we propose an international pilgrimage in the footsteps of St. Camillus in Italy, in partnership between the Camillian Province and the Catedral Viagens.



Our Camillian confrere, Fr. Emanuel Dogbovi of the Benin-Togo Province, graduated in medicine from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lomé in Togo, with honors, on Wednesday, December 8, 2021.




Fr. Antonio Menegon, a Camillian, writes about the fact that in recent months the violence of criminal gangs has increased out of all proportion and in fact ‘govern’ the country. “Men, women, and children are crushed, oppressed by adversity, and as soon as they try to raise their heads, are immediately thrown back with their faces in the dust. So even hope struggles to survive!”



December 12, 2021: Antonio Ricci made his solemn religious profession at the cathedral of Orvieto, in the presence of Camillian religious.





Bucchianico celebrates the 100th anniversary of the realization of the facade of the Sanctuary of St. Camillus, symbol of the town and destination of thousands of pilgrims every year.

On the occasion, Poste Italiane has activated a temporary postal service with a special stamp. The postmark reproduces the facade of the Sanctuary. These words complete the postmark: “Centenario Facciata Santuario di San Camillo de Lellis” e “29.12.2021 – 66011 Bucchianico (CH)”. [“Centenary of the Facade of the Sanctuary of St. Camillus de Lellis”, and “29.12.2021”]

As part of the celebrations, a postcard was also created with a contemporary painting by the young artist Massimiliano Ferragina that represents the sanctuary as a “source of grace” for those who enter it.









January 8, 2022: Pilgrimage on foot in the footsteps of St. Camillus … from San Giacomo of the incurables, to the hospital of Santo Spirito in Sassia, to the “Maddalena”.

An event promoted by the Youth Vocation Ministry of the Roman Province in collaboration with the ORP (Opera Romana Pellegrinaggi).




St. Camillus Parish community of Messina thanked the Lord for the 100th birthday of Brother Vincenzo Codella, on December 12, 2021. Thanks to our Archbishop Giovanni Accolla who presided the Eucharistic Concelebration, to the Mayor, and to the Council of the Commune represented by Alessandra Calafiore.






This year also the perpetual professions were celebrated on 8th December, Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, to follow the Camillian tradition that recalls the first perpetual profession of December 08, 1591, in which St. Camillus and his companions consecrated themselves to God in a definitive way.



Logo Ufficiale CadisIn response to the “cry of the poor”, Camillian Disaster Service International (CADIS) is conducting a relief operation in collaboration with the Society of former Camillian seminarians in Bohol, Philippines.


Crossover no.24 is now available. In this issue you will find:

– Editorial by Fr. Aris Miranda

– Thailand’s example against the mighty men of the planet at COP26

– The emergency in Kenya and India

– Typhoon Odette in the Philippines

– Updates on post-COVID projects: Tanzania, Uganda, Burkina Faso

– Annual Report 2021


Establishment of the AMOC Mission Fund -Camillians Charity Health Insurance

“Health” is the priority field of intervention of SeS. The right to health protection and access to health care are fundamental human rights; yet the relationship between poverty, marginalisation and access to services in developing countries often remains misunderstood or neglected in health policies and development interventions.

Over the years, in accordance with the Global Development Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we have built and strengthened health facilities for vulnerable populations; expanded the service’s user base at territorial level; provided adequate medical instruments and equipment, improving the services offered at quantitative level; trained local health personnel, increasing the level of skills and the quality of the services provided.

Having implemented a large number of initiatives in cooperation partner countries and having contributed significantly to their growth, Salute e Sviluppo establish the AMOC Mission Found– Camillians Charity Health Insurance (approved by the Board of Directors on 26.11.2021), as an additional tool to help people and communities in developing countries, in conditions of severe socio-economic vulnerability, to access health services. READ MORE


Wednesday, December 29, 202:  Priestly Ordination of our confrere Abin Vallooran





Saturday, January 1, 2022: Priestly Ordination of our confrere Thomsa Xavier Kidangan





Thursday, January 6, 2022: Priestly Ordination of our confrere Jaison Kannamkulathil





On January 12, 2022, the confreres of the Camillian Province of India were presented with the Appreciation Award by Basavaraj Bommai, Chief Minister of the Indian state of Karnataka, for the support offered to the government for the assistance to Covid-19 patients, especially during the emergency phase of the pandemic.




On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the arrival of Camillians in Taiwan (1952), videos translated into three languages will be published on the YouTube channel of the Archdiocese of Taipei, on the 10th of every month, at 8:00 pm (Taiwan time).




We share with you the activities of the Camillian Youth Ministry – North Italian Province








The first year of a new two-year course in pastoral healthcare will commence on Monday, January 26, 2022, with monthly attendance in mixed mode, in presence at the Camillian Formation Center at Verona and online platform, to allow the participation of those who are distant.


Dates: From January 2022 to December 2023, on Mondays from 09.30 to 12.30 and from 13.30 to 16.30.


Camillian Formation Centre has been offering for forty years a specific course of study and personal growth aimed at those who carry out a ministry in the Church for the sick, the suffering and the poor.

The recipients are priests, men and women religious, permanent deacons, lay people involved in the pastoral care of health, extraordinary Eucharistic ministers, pastoral counselors, doctors, nurses and social health workers.

We believe that the course is an excellent opportunity for ongoing formation, based on the experience that the Camillian Center has gained in these years.


You who are walking. Life is a journey, all of us are on a journey. All of us, if we wish to do something in life, are on a journey. It is not a stroll, nor is it a labyrinth, no, it is a journey. On the way, we pass in front of many historical events, in front of many difficult situations. And also in front of cemeteries. The advice of this cemetery is: “You who are passing by, halt your step and think, and of your steps, think about the final step”. We will all have a final step. Some may say to me, “Father, don’t be so mournful, don’t be so tragic”. But it is the truth. The important thing is that that final step finds us on a journey, not strolling around; in the journey of life and not in an endless labyrinth. To be on a journey so that the last step finds us walking. This is the first thought that I would like to say and that comes from my heart.


(* 26/02/1935   + 28/12/2021)

Born in Mindurí – MG, on February 26, 1935. He is the son of José Nogueira and Ana Severina da Conceição. He received the sacrament of Baptism on March 25, 1935 and Confirmation when he was three years old.

He attended the seminary São Camilo de Vila Pompeia on November 18, 1960 and the novitiate on January 5, 1963. He made his first profession on January 6,  1964 and his perpetual profession on January 6, 1967.

Trained as a nursing technician, he dedicated his whole life as a consecrated person to the care of the sick and the poor. Br. Vicente resided from 1967 to 1981 in São Luís community of Iomerê – SC; from 1981 to 1983 in São Camilo community of Macapá – AP; from 1983 to 1985 in São Camilo community of Sinop – MT; from 1985 to 1988 he returned to Macapá; from 1988 to 1991 in São Camilo community of Monte Santo de Minas – MG; from 1991 to 2018 in Community Santa Maria Madalena in Fortaleza – CE; in 2018 he resided in Community São Camilo da Lagoa Redonda in Fortaleza – CE; and since January 2019 he has been in Community São Pio X in Granja Viana, for health care.



He was born on March 28, 1930 at Mosqueruela, Pro. Teruel, A. Aragon, Spain. He entered into the minor seminary at Vich on 1942.

He entered into the novitiate on March 19, 1948 at Traslavina Arcentales Vizcaya. He made the first profession on March 19, 1949 at Vich Barcelona.

He made his perpetual profession on March 19, 1952 at Vich Barcelona. He had chosen to be brother in his Camillian religious since he made his first profession. After his perpetual profession, he decided to be missionary and he travelled to Thailand do his missionary since 1955 and he started his first missionary at San Camillo Hospital, Banpong, Ratchaburi province.
After that, he has been assigned to Camillian Clinic at Suravong road, Bangkok, which later it has been changed its activity to be Camillian Hospital.

In 1964, Bro. Victoriano has been assigned at San Camillo Hospital, Ratchaburi. And he has been moved to work again at Camillian Hospital, Bangkok in 1966.

When the Thailand delegation decided to start the work of Leprosy by setting up the Leprosy settlement at Khokwat, Prochinburi province in 1971. Bro. Victoriano Altaba has been assigned as superior of the community for three times.


Sr. Rosanna Boseggia, religious of the Camillian Sisters (Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus), who was in the Philippines as a missionary for many years, died in the Generalate in Rome on January 06, 2022, the Epiphany of the Lord.








We need only ask Saint Joseph for the grace of graces: our conversion.

Let us now make our prayer to him:

Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,
and defend us from every evil. Amen.
