Cover: St. Camillus de Lellis in glory between the cross and the holy rules – detail from the stained glass window of the Cubiculum in the generalate house in Rome (ancient gift of the Domus Vindobonensis – the Camillian community of Vienna)
By Lorenzo Prezzi Sourve:
On 1-3 March 2018 at the Antonianum University (Rome) a conference on the subject ‘Consecratio et consecratio per evangelica consilia’ took place that had been organised by the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life (CIVCSVA). About a hundred theologians were present, some of the most known in the field of consecrated life: from F. Ciardi to N. Hausman, from G. Ghilanda to J. García Paredes, from M. Sedano Sierra to G. Rocca, from B. Secondin to R. Zas Friz De Col, and from M. Schlosser to X. Larrañaga. The papers and the debates of this international seminar were in four languages and the speakers came from all over the world.
The subject of debate and dialogue was the term ‘consecration’ or, to put it better, how much this term is able to identify in the Church the vast world of men and women religious (there are about one and a half million of such people, and over 70% of them are women, and there are the same number who belong not to pontifical but to diocesan institutes), to define its ecclesial identities, and to cover the many forms and innumerable charisms that inhabit this world. One can perhaps translate the research into these questions in the following way: what is the identity of the religious in the Church, given that they are no longer a ‘state of perfection’ and the call to holiness is for everyone? Is the term that would like to cover all of them (‘consecration’) really able to do so? Where is the explosion of new charismatic forms (movements, communities, new foundations) to be located as regards the religious who often take on many of their characteristics? And all of this in preparation for a larger conference that will take place in Rome in a few months’ time.
Celebrations on the occasion of the anniversary of the death (54 years ago) of the Venerable Nicola d’Onofrio.
Download here the text ‘Vivere e morire d’amore’ (‘Living and Dying with Love’) edited by Fr. Felice Ruffini.
Sabato 7 luglio 2018, alla ‘Maddalena’ – Roma, si celebrerà l’edizione 2018 dell’Associazione della ‘Fiaccola della Carità’.
Durante la celebrazione eucaristica – ore 10.30 – sarà presentato l’olio destinato ad alimentare la “Fiaccola della Carità” perché venga benedetto prima di essere trasferito nel Santuario di San Camillo in Bucchianico, città natale del Santo Patrono della sanità militare e dei servizi sanitari militari ausiliari delle forme armate.
È un atto solenne che simboleggia il rinnovato proposito di voler alimentare la fiamma della “Fiaccola della Carità”, che è espressione di fede e dell’amore per il Cristo sofferente che il Santo della Carità riconosceva nell’infermo, nel povero, nel bisognoso e nell’abbandonato.
La fiaccola della carità e Giovanni XXIII
Dal 14 luglio del 1960 nella Cripta del Santuario San Camillo in Bucchianico dinanzi alla vetrata che lo ritrae negli ultimi istanti di vita, arde perennemente la «Fiaccola della Carità», segno di orante presenza spirituale di quanti assistono gli ammalati, e implorano da Lui, Celeste Patrono, amore e dedizione che animavano la sua azione.
L’artistica lampada, opera di una fine cesellatore romano, fu benedetta da Papa Giovanni XXIII al termini dell’Udienza Generale in San Pietro il 12 luglio 1960, es accesa la sera del 13 luglio successivo nella Cappella infermeria dove il Santo morì, presso la Casa Madre della Maddalena in Roma.
La “Fiaccola della carità” come idea e movimento nata dal camilliano p. Ercole Meschini, è cresciuta di molto negli anni, ed è stata riconosciuta dall’Autorità Ecclesiastica come “Movimento di Apostolato di Laici”. Da quel giorno, ogni anno porta alla cittadina natale del Santo, nel mese di luglio, quanti si dedicano ad assistere gli ammalati, con articolate manifestazioni religiose e culturali, promuovendo allo stesso tempo una conoscenza e una vasta diffusione del Messaggio di Carità di San Camillo.
A call to commemorate the feast of the camillian martyrs of charity – may 25, 2018
Gregorio Guglielmi, San Camillo de Lellis assiste gli appestati, Città del Vaticano, Musei Vaticani
On February 2, 1994, the Order of the Ministers of the Infirm had officially instituted May 25 as the Day of the Camillian Religious Martyrs of Charity. The day also commemorates the birth of St. Camillus de Lellis (May 25, 1550).
The Day of the Camillian Religious Martyrs of Charity is a commemoration of the heroic life of more than 300 Camillians (seminarians, oblates, novices, brothers, and priests) who died in serving the victims of plagues in Italy, Spain, Hungary and Croatia during the first four centuries of the life of the Order. This is an exemplary witnessing of the “fourth vow of the Camillians,” that is, service to the sick “even in danger to my own life”.
CADIS AD HAITI Mission intitiates the second phase
HAITI: In June 2018, the second phase of the resiliency project in Ranja, Jeremie will commence in June. This has been confirmed when two of directors CADIS International (Aris Miranda, MI) and the CADIS USA (Leandro Blanco) visited Ranja this week. They were accompanied by Robert Daudier, MI, and an engineer.
On May 16, the four made a courtesy call to the bishop of Jeremie (+Joseph Gontrand Decoste, SJ). The bishop was given an update of the phase 1 programs and a briefing of the phase 2 interventions. The bishop expressed his great appreciation to CADIS, the Camillians and the donors for being with the people of Ranja.
He said: “Since you were here at the onset of the hurricane up to the present, you made a big change and difference in the lives of the community. Your style of work by accompanying the people towards their full recovery makes you different from the rest of the organizations who are doing great jobs too in realizing the project but left immediately as soon as the programs are implemented.”
After the 15-minute courtesy visit, the bishop invited the team to come with him to Ranja to see the big difference that CADIS made in the lives of the people. He joined the team in crossing the river to reach the community of Ranja whereby the people were awaiting his visit on that day. READ HERE
A Flores un nuovo Centro Sociale dei Camilliani
Contribuire alla formazione integrale dei giovani, a livello umano, sociale, relazionale, spirituale: con questo intento a è nato a Maumere, sull’isola indonesiana di Flores il nuovo Centro Sociale San Camillo, benedetto e inaugurato nei giorni scorsi dal Vescovo mons. Kerubim Pareira, dei missionari Verbiti (SVD). Si tratta di un nuovo luogo di riferimento per gli studenti che provengono dalle aree più remote dell’isola dove possono trovare sicurezza, protezione e formazione. I ragazzi avranno, inoltre, la possibilità di frequentare corsi di lingua inglese, computer e altre discipline formative. Il Centro San Camillo dispone di sala conferenze per circa cento persone, 26 stanze singole con toilettes, quattro dormitori, cucina e sala da pranzo. E’ prevista anche una palestra per fisioterapia e fitness dove malati con disabilità fisiche e mentali potranno trovare cure adeguate.” A darne notizia a Fides, il missionario Camilliano padre Luigi Galvani, sull’isola da oltre 20 anni.
Recente ordinazione diaconale dei confratelli Aécio Honorato e Elielton José da Silva.
La celebrazione è stata organizzata, sabato 2 giugno 2018, nella parrocchia Nossa Senhora da Boa Esperança in Pinhais- PR.
The women Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus – ROME
Fiftieth Anniversary of the Death of the Blessed Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini
Homily of Father Leocir Pessini Celebration of the Eucharist to Commemorate the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Death of the Blessed Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini
Dear Sister Lauretta Gianesin, Mother Superior of the women Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus; esteemed members of the General Council; dear women Ministers of the Sick; consecrated men and women who are inspired by the charism of St. Camillus; lay people and those devoted to the Blessed Barbantini, who are present at this fine and historic celebration of the Eucharist on the occasion of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the transit to heaven of our dear Blessed Maria Domenica Brun Barbantini.
The week of Camillian fraternity for young men engaging in vocational discernment will be held at Acireale on 13-21 July 2018.
For information write to the Facebook page: San Camillo ci Parla ancora.
All’interno delle iniziative realizzate in occasione dell’Anno Vocazionale Camilliano, si è tenuto a San Giovanni Rotondo, dal 1° al 3 giugno 2018, il Week end formativo interprovinciale per i giovani in formazione e i giovani religiosi camilliani, promosso dalla Provincia Siculo-Napoletana.
L’incontro è stato aperto da p. Laurent Zoungrana, Vicario generale e incaricato per la formazione, che, in rappresentanza della Consulta Generale, ha espresso il più vivo compiacimento per l’iniziativa.
The annual spiritual exercises of the Camillian religious of Kenya were held in May in the Camillian community of Karungu, the diocesis of Homabay.
On 26 May 2018, in the chapel of S. Chiara of the nursing home of Ratchasima (Thailand), in Nakorn Ratchasima, the young cleric Paolo Suphakorn Khantharaksa was ordained a deacon by his bishop, Msgr. Giuseppe Chusak Sirsut. Paolo Suphakorn has just finished his studies in theology in India. The celebration of this ordination was very solemn, with a great deal of emotion and participation by those who were present. Our Province was well represented and was happy to welcome this new resource to its ranks.
On 12 June 2018 the Provincial Secretariat for Formation will offer an enrichment of the traditional day of fraternity with a cultural/artistic project involving the discovery – from certain points of view truly unexpected – of the presence of the Camillians in Bergamo, with a guided visit to the Camillian ‘memory’ in Bergamo and above all in the Church of St. Mark which has Camillian frescoes and bas-reliefs.
DOWNLOAD HERE some interesting historical facts.
Camillian pastoral care for young people and vocations
Download here the events organised by the Province of North Italy for the discovery of the spirituality of St. Camillus that will be held at the Camillian communities of Mottinello and Piossasco in June and July 2018.

The message of the Superior General at the end of his pastoral visit to the Camillian Province of Poland (6-20 May 2018).
Poland, 27 May 2018: the twenty-fifth anniversary of the priestly ordination of the Camillian religious Fr. Arkadiusz Novak, with the presence of the Superior General, Fr. Leocir Pessini.
Photographs of the general assembly of the Camillian Province of Burkina Faso (16-18 May 2018)
On 7 May 2018 the Camillian religious Fr. Robert Chua took his place in the new community of Nan Ao, together with two other religious, Fr. Joseph Fan and Fr. Chen. The community of Nan Ao is responsible for taking care of three chapels and an old people’s home.
On 11 May 2018, at St. Mary’s Hospital, the day for workers, mothers and nurses was celebrated.
On 12 May 2018, the traditional academic ceremony of the placing of the cap for new graduates in the nursing sciences took place at the nursing college. At the present time there are 397 female students and 47 male students at the college.
Mother’s Day was celebrated on 13 May 2018 in all the communities.
The Central Commission of LCF met in Rome
The Central Commission of LCF met in Rome, guests of the community of the Maddalena, from 3-7 May 2018, with the objective to prepare the future international General Assembly from October 13th to October 20th 2018, in Rome, with the LCF Presidents and the main Spiritual Assistants: 2 people by Province, Vice-Province and Delegation of the Order.
Their task was to choose and confirm the date, place, theme, key speakers, guests, and program of the days, including 2 days of pilgrimage.
The Central Commission of the LCF: Marie-Christine Brocherieux, presidente, Anita Ennis, vice-president, Maria Hajnalka Bako’, secretary, Giosuè Sparacino, treasurer, Fr Laurent Zoungrana, M.I., consultor, LCF spiritual assistant
From the site
Dialogue across the board on the subjects of love and fertility in the belief that pluralism and democracy are reconcilable with the truth ‘in which are rooted the values of dialogue and respect, trust in reason and recognition of complexity’. The words of Palma Sgreccia, the Dean of the Camillianum, well summarise the spirit of the meeting which for two days brought together in dialogue philosophers, bioethicists and theologians on a subject that could have constituted a veritable time bomb: ‘Humanae Vitae after fifty years: tradition, pastoral discernment and bioethical thought’.
On 1-3 June 2018, at San Giovanni Rotondo, the meeting was organised for all young Camillians receiving formation of the Italian Provinces of the Order. Fr. Laurent Zoungrana was invited to take part in the event.
Fr. Leocir Pessini was in Ireland on 4-5 June 2018 to meet the religious, looking ahead to the amalgamation of the Irish Camillian Delegation with the Camillian Province of India.
Fr. Leocir Pessini and Fr. Gianfranco Lunardon will be in Taiwan from 12 June 2018 onwards before the meeting of the major Superiors of the Order (18-22 June 2018). They will visit the work of Makung (the Pescadores Islands) and the religious of the Delegation of Taiwan.
The Superior General with the agreement of the members of the General Consulta:
- Has admitted to the perpetual profession of religious vows the temporary professed religious (the Province of Poland) Grzegorz Piskorz and the temporary professed religious (the Province of the Philippines) Cabarles José Emmanuel.
- Has erected canonically the house of the novitiate for the year 2018-2019 in the Camillian community of Messina.
Together in Asia to learn, to celebrate and to peer into the future, so as to re-motivate the Camillian missionary spirit
Why are we together here in Taiwan? The hope is that this can be a moment to learn and to give thanks at the same time as the sixtieth anniversary of the arrival of the Camillians in China (Taiwan).
- To explore the various social, cultural and religious aspects of this region of Asia.
- To address some special dimensions of Buddhism and its relationship with the Church.
- To foster exchange and fraternity amongst those taking part (the whole of the day of 19 June) in order to assess the potentialities of the presence of the Camillians in Asia: on 19 June 2018 all the Camillian representatives of Asia, of India, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, and Indonesia, with Fr. Luigi Galvani or others, will be invited to present their perspectives on the realities, the challenges and the prospects for the future of the Camillians. Following this there will be an opportunity for an exchange of opinions and strategies.
- To share internal communications about the Order (exchanges about the initiatives of individual Provinces) and the different areas of responsibility of the General Consult (financial administration, formation, secretariat, ministry).
- To present the physiognomy of the Vice-Province of Benin-Togo as we look forward to it acquiring the status of a Province (probably in September 2018).
- To assess the efficacy of the document on inter-Provincial cooperation, given that the sending of Camillian religious ‘towards Europe’ continues to take place and that it is not always the case that the agreements between the Province that sends and the Province that receives, or simply the Province that hosts the religious in its own area (in this case the religious who are sent work with a diocese), are clear. Indeed, at times they are a source of misunderstanding.
Ringraziamo i confratelli della Provincia di Spagna per la traduzione in spagnolo e la stampa della Costituzione e delle Disposizioni generali.
Ringraziamo i confratelli della Provincia del Brasile per la traduzione in portoghese e la stampa della Costituzione e delle Disposizioni generali.
Ringraziamo i confratelli della Provincia dell’India per la traduzione in inglese e la stampa della Costituzione e delle Disposizioni generali.
Chi avesse necessità, nella sezione “Testi essenziali” può scaricare i testi in formato PDF.
Alle singole province o alla Casa Generalizia può richiedere alcune copie in formato cartaceo.
Rule for Formation. General Guidelines
You can download the new text of ‘Rule for Formation. General Guidelines’ in the section of the site for Essential Texts. We will soon send out this text in printed form to every community.
Fr. Leocir Pessini wrote the introduction to the edition in Portuguese of the new document on pastoral care in health entitled: Pastorale della salute in America Latina e nei Caraibi Nuove linee guida (2018) (‘Pastoral Care in Health in Latin America and the Caribbean: New Guidelines’).
CLICK HERE for the articles of Fr. Leocir Pessini published in June 2018.
Pope Francis It is time to walk. Consecrated life in the papal magisterium
Taking up the expression of santa andariega, the first part of the title, ‘it is time to walk’, points to the fundamental approach of every consecrated person.
The second part, ‘consecrated life in the papal magisterium’, seeks to bring together with gratitude the gift of the words and the writings of Pope Francis to consecrated people so that, making of them a treasure in their lives, they can be prophets in the here and now in which they find themselves.
What the Pope said and wrote on consecrated life from 16 March 2013 to 31 December 2017 is presented through certain key words that can also be seen as a legacy from the Year of Consecrated Life: memory-prophecy, passion-gospel, hope-joy. Engaging in a declination of these words in their lives will enable consecrated people to bring newness into their spirituality, their relationships and their mission; to conserve and to bring forth shoots of resurrection, of life and of beauty in the dramas of history.
‘See, now they vanish, the faces and places, with the self which, as it could, loved them. To become renewed, transfigured, in another pattern’ (T.S. Eliot).
Angelo Bordignon was born on 16 March 1923 in Castione di Loria (TV) to his father Domenico and his mother Amabile Elisa Esatti. On 28 September 1936 he entered the seminary of Villa Visconta in Besana Brianza (MI) where he began his secondary school studies. He attended the second year of his main studies at Mottinello. On 7 September 1941 he entered the novitiate at S. Giuliano of Verona. He made his first religious profession on 8 September 1942 and continued his school studies which went on until the year 1945 at the end of the Second World War. On 15 September he continued his theology studies at the house of Mottinello in Rossano Veneto (VI). On 8 September 1948 he made his perpetual profession at S. Giuliano in Verona. On 1 November 1948 he was ordained a deacon and on 2 April of the same year he was ordained a priest by Msgr. Carlo Agostini, the Bishop of Padua.
Our sisters the Daughters of St. Camillus communicate the sad news of the death of their dear sister, Sr. Apollonia Pisato, an Italian. She was ninety-four years old and had spent 70 years in religious life.
She passed away on 10 May 2018 in the nursing home of Cremona after a long illness.
«Ora vivono in Cristo, che hanno incontrato nella Chiesa, seguito nella nostra vocazione, servito nei malati e sofferenti. Nella fiducia che il Signore, la Vergine Santa nostra Regina, san Camillo – i beati Luigi Tezza e Giuseppina Vannini – e i nostri Confratelli e Consorelle defunti li accoglieranno fra loro, li affidiamo nella preghiera ricordandoli con affetto, stima e gratitudine».
For all the victims of disasters, for the persons who lost their lives, for their dear ones, for all survivors, and for all those responding to emergencies, we pray:
Heavenly Father, who created and protected every existence, You know all our sorrows and sufferings. May all those victims of disasters be received in your peace. Receive us in your mercy as we pray all our brothers and sisters who had been buried by the forces precipitated by nature.
Bring them to your home. Console the pains of the many families; wipe out the tears of our brothers and sisters;
protect the solitude of the many orphans.
Fill us with your courage so that the pain will become a path of growth and hope. Awaken the hearts of all Christians and of men and women of goodwill, who desire to commit themselves so that the wounds of those who suffer from these calamities will experience the comfort of fraternal solidarity,
You who lives and reigns forever and ever.
Our Father, the Hail Mary, Gloria
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