Initiatives for the IV Centenary

Initiatives organized by the General Consulta

To download the full program in PDF format click here 
To download the program of special events for the Fourth Centenary click here


Saturday 1 Manfredonia


Schermata 2013-09-24 a 11.29.5210.30
Holy Mass in the Cathedral of Manfredonia  presided over by H.E. Msgr. Michele Castoro, Archbishop of Manfredonia-Vieste-San Giovanni Rotondo.

Live broadcast on Teleradio Padre Pio  for the announcement by the Archbishop of the places designated by him for the spiritual gift of a plenary indulgence.

Departure from the square behind the cathedral for Valle dell’Inferno (San Giovanni Rotondo).

Prayers at Valle dell’Inferno, reading of the ‘Step of the Conversion’, prayer for the indulgence and blessing with the relic of the heart of St. Camillus.

Holy Rosary broadcast live on Teleradio Padre Pio from the Sanctuary of St. Mary of the Graces in San Giovanni  Rotondo and animated by Camillian religious. At the end, a floral tribute to the ancient icon of the Most Holy Mary of the Graces.

Sunday 2 San Giovanni Rotondo

Holy Mass at the chapel of the CasaSollievodellaSofferenzaHospital in San Giovanni Rotondo. The celebration of the Eucharist will be presided over by Rev. Fr. Hubert Goudjinou, the General Consultor for Formation of the Camillian Religious. At the end, blessing with the relic of the heart of St. Camillus.

Candlemas with the sick at the St. Camillus de Lellis Parish of Manfredonia. Welcoming of the heart of St. Camillus by the parish priest, Rev. Don Francesco de Finis.

Holy Rosary for all suffering people and prayers for the gift of the indulgence.

Holy Mass for the sick presided over by Rev. Fr. Rosario Mauriello, Provincial Superior of the Camillians of the south of Italy. The charitable and volunteer associations of the city will be invited: the diocesan Caritas, UNITALSI, UAL, the Association of Medical Doctors, PASER, the Italian Red Cross.

Monday 3

Holy Mass at the chapel of the St. Camillus de Lellis civic hospital of Manfredonia. The celebration of the Eucharist will be presided over by Rev. Fr. Aldo Milazzo, the Superior of the Camillian Community of Macchia-Monte Sant’Angelo. The personnel of the hospital, the AVO and other practitioners of voluntary work are invited.

Friday  7- Saturday 8

The heart of St. Camillus on a pilgrimage to the community of the studentate of Rome.

From Sunday 9 to Wednesday 12

The heart of St. Camillus on a pilgrimage to the St. Camillus Hospital of Rome.

From Friday 21 to Wednesday 26

The heart of St. Camillus on a pilgrimage to the St. Pius Parish and the St. Camillus Hospital of Mesagne.

Wednesday 26

The heart of St. Camillus on a pilgrimage in the hospital and the cathedral of Cosenza until 4 March.


Tuesday 4

End of the pilgrimage of the relic of the heart of St. Camillus in the cathedral of Cosenza.

From Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 Generalate House

Three days of spirituality in Italian for Camillian Religious.

The first day will be animated by:

Morning: Sister Nicoletta Spezzati, Under-Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

Afternoon: His Excellency Msgr. José Rodriguez Carballo, Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

The second day will be animated by:

Morning: Brother José Carlos Bermejo, Director of the Centre for the Humanisation of Health, Madrid.

Afternoon: meeting with the great family of St. Camillus. His Eminence Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the  Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life.

Scholarship: ‘St. Camillus de Lellis with the University of Tor Vergata’.

Jubilee pilgrimages for the whole of Lent  in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene with prayers, catechesis and visits to the museum of the pastoral workers of the prefecture of the Vicariate of Rome.

From Sunday 23 to Thursday 27

The heart of St. Camillus on a pilgrimage to the military polyclinic of Celio of Rome.



Wedneday  3 – Thursday  4

Conference with the University of Chieti, ‘The Camillian Presence in Modern Society’. Commemoration of St. Camillus at the Hospital of the Holy Spirit by the Vicariate of Rome.

From Saturday  5 to Sunday 13

The crucifix that spoke to St. Camillus will go on a pilgrimage to Bucchianico.

Saturday 12

GMG  of the diocese of Chieti in Bucchianico.

Wednesday 30

The relic of the heart of St. Camillus on a pilgrimage to the diocese of Frascati.


Thursday 1 – Friday  2

The relic of the heart of St. Camillus on a pilgrimage to the diocese of Chieti.

Saturday 24 – Sunday 25

Camillian white night at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene and the St. Camillus Museum (II edition).

Saturday 24

Organ concert at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene.


Celebrations in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene.

Holy Mass presided over by Fr. Paolo Guarise.

Jubilee pilgrimage of the participants at the General Assembly of the Lay Camillian Family.

The Italian bishops’ Conference will commemorate St. Camillus in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rome.

Solemn Holy Mass presided over by the Secretary of the Italian Bishops’ Conference.

Performance with street artists in Piazza della Maddalena.



From Sunday 1 to Sunday  8

The relic of the heart of St. Camilllus on a pilgrimage to Bucchianico.

The exhibition ‘Presences’ in Bucchianico.

From Tuesday 17 to Friday 20

Presence at SANIT (International Health Forum). In cooperation with the IPASVI.

Saturday 21

The musical ‘St. Camillus Soldier of God’ for health-care workers of the Vicariate of Rome at the Teatro Argentina.


For the whole of the month of July

Art exhibition ‘The Giant of Charity’ organised by ‘The Creative People of the Holy Sepulchre’ at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Rome.

Sunday 6

Offering of the Oil of the Torchlight Procession of Charity by the city council of Bucchianico.

Every weekend

Concerts in the Church of St. Mary Magdalene .

Opening of the Church of  St. Mary Magdalene with the possibility of visiting the museum.

Sunday 13

Holy Mass live on Telepace from Verona.

From Friday 11 to Sunday  13

Triduum in preparation for the feast of St. Camillus during the fourth centenary of his death, with religious, civic and cultural events.

Monday  14

Ending of the jubilee year at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rome.

Tuesday 15 

Feast of St. Camillus in Bucchianico.


From Monday  1 to Saturday 6

Inter-provincial spiritual exercises.

Course for those giving and receiving formation of the Italian Provinces.
