Humanization Week in El Salvador: a meeting with the ‘heart in the hands’

Bro. Jose Carlos Bermejo, Provincial Superior of the Camillians of Spain, and Rosa Ruiz, Head of Research of the Center for Humanization of Health, participated in the Humanization Week in El Salvador from September 2 to 6. Representing the St. Camillus Center, they took part in activities organized by the Salvadoran Institute of Social Security (ISSS), which included lectures, workshops for health professionals and visits to hospitals. All with a clear goal: to teach how to care with passion and put their hearts in their hands.

During their visit, Bro. Jose Carlos and Rosa focused on five hospitals and two conferences, sharing their knowledge on humanizing health and health care. Their presentations aimed at improving the treatment of patients, family members and even caregivers, seeking to provide more humane and close care.

One of the most significant moments was Bro. José Carlos’ visit to the Cathedral of San Salvador and the tomb of Óscar Romero, a reference in the defense of human dignity and the rights of the poorest. This gesture has now become a heartfelt tradition for Bermejo.

Leadership and Humanization
The program of activities began on Monday with a training day for 200 ISSS leaders. The director general Mónica Ayala emphasized the influence of the St. Camillus Center, describing them as “friends, guides and speakers.” Bro. Bermejo opened the event with his lecture “Humanizing Management,” in which he proposed a leadership model focused on humanizing teamwork. Rosa Ruiz presented a lecture on the ethics of care, emphasizing the value of tenderness in health care.

Hospital Visits and Future Projects
Both visited various hospitals, including Oncology, Medical-Surgical, and General Hospital, where they received feedback and reflections from employees who were particularly interested in topics such as perinatal bereavement. They also had the opportunity to learn about two important announcements: the construction of two new hospitals in El Salvador, scheduled to open in December.

Bro. Bermejo said he was deeply touched by the impact his participation in these activities has had over the years. “It is moving to see the fruitfulness of some of our words from years past,” he said.

Closing the Week: Conferences
The week ended with Bro. Bermejo and Ruiz participating in two humanization conferences, where they gave talks on Person-Centered Culture and Tenderness in Humanization, addressed to ISSS staff. Rosa Ruiz also gave talks on the spirituality of care and the concept of the “Wounded Healer” at Divine Providence Oncology Hospital, accompanied by a presentation on palliative care services and bereavement management.

The motto “Heart in Hands” continues to guide ISSS’s initiatives in El Salvador, under the direction of Dr. Mónica Ayala, and this visit reinforced the achievements of the past two years, focusing on person-centered health care.