Health and Development

Marchio-web‘To contribute to the health-care conditions of the populations of the South of the world and to contribute to local development and autonomy’ (The Mission of Health and Development).

Health and Development is a non-profit-making organisation of apolitical voluntary work which was founded in 1996 to work in the field of health and development in cooperation with the missions of the Order of the Ministes of the Sick – Camillians in the five continents of the world; with Italian and foreign associations that work for international solidarity; with those associations and agencies of poor counties (Africa, Asia, South America) that care for the sick and increase development; and with associations and agencies of rich countries to sensitise people to, and send out, aid.

Health and Development implements socio/health-care projects and ones involving cooperation in development; projects for the promotion of international voluntary work; and projects for formation and support at a distance.

Recognised at a national level as an Onlus and an NGO, Health and Development has its central headquarters in Rome, three operational centres in Abruzzo, Lombardy and Tuscany, a centre in Nairobi, Kenya, and a centre in Lima, Peru.

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