Great Visibility in the National Mass Media for the Closing of the Fourth Centenary

copertina mediaWith the celebrations of 14 July the fourth centenary of the death of St. Camillus de Lellis officially came to an end.

On this occasion as well, the coverage by the national mass media of the appointments forming a part of the programme was notable, both in printed newspapers and online ones and on television and radio channels.

In addition  to a number of celebrations of the Eucharist and the docu-fiction ‘Pregate per me’ (‘Pray for me’) (which narrates the last period of the life of St. Camillus), there were a large number of programmes and articles which dealt with the closing of the jubilee celebrations.

In addition, various journalists took part in the press conference that was held on 14 July in the Chapter Hall of the generalate house of the Order in order to introduce the new Superior General, Father Leocir Pessini, and the new members of the General Consulta

We may refer, amongst others, to the weeklies Famiglia Cristiana, Credere and Il mio Papa; the press agencies ‘Sir’ (of the Italian Bishops’ Conference), ‘Zenit’, ‘Ansa’, ‘Agi, ‘Tmnews and ‘Romereports’ (in French and Spanish); the daily newspapers La Stampa and Il Tempo; the radio channels ‘Radio Vaticana’ (on the official internet site of the Vatican media ‘’), ‘Radio Maria’ and ‘Radio In blu (Cei)’, and the television channels ‘Rete 4’, ‘Tv 2000’, ‘Telepace’ and ‘Tele Radio Padre Pio’.

Two special pages were published in the prestigious daily newspapers Avvenire and L’Osservatore Romano.

On Rai 2, the programme ‘Sulla via di Damasco’ broadcast a special documentary on St. Camillus and the Camillians which achieved a significant success with the general public.

The Holy Mass of 13 July broadcast by Rete 4 also obtained a significant audience share, with 1,200,000 people who turned on for the live broadcast.

The same result was obtained by ‘Pregate per me’ which had 260,000 viewers on the TV channel  Tv 2000.

It should also be observed that the Centro Televisivo Vaticano did an interview with the new Superior General of the Camillians, Father Leocir Pessini. This interview will be broadcast on 26 July on Telepace and on 27 July on Tv 2000.

Video of the programme ‘Sulla via di Damasco’ of 19 July 2014 broadcast on RAI 2.

sulla via











Tg TV2000 – Camillians: the celebrations for the fourth centenary of the death of St. Camillus de Lellis

TG Tele Pace – press conference presentation of the new Camillian General Consulta

The Camillians turn over a new page after the arrest of the Italian Superior General












Ansa – Camillians: new Superior General, suffering because of fraud but now forward – the previous management failed, now no longer naïve trust .

