FCL – Handbook on formation

logo_famiglia_camilliana_laicaWe hereby offer with joy the work drawn up by Isabel and the previous central committee of the LCF

This is a ‘proposal’ on subjects connected with formation that is addressed in particular to those who are beginning their Camillian formation and are moving towards a role within the LCF

This is the first collection of subjects to emerge in an organised way and it suggests an itinerary of formation addressed to all the groups of our young association. This is an important event which is approached in the form of a unitary proposal to all the members of the LCF.

We are certain that this text will be welcomed, appreciated and above all used and examined not only by those who are beginning their journey but also by those who have already made their commitment and are a part of our ‘family’.

We warmly thank Isabel and those who have worked with her in the production of this text and we hope and wish that those who receive it will engage in a good journey on the road of the encounter with the Lord so as to learn at the school of St. Camillus de Lellis to live and bear witness to the love of the Lord and to serve him in every suffering person.


Rosabianca and the Central Committee of the LCF

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