Camillian province of Bening-Togo: Diaconate and presbyteral ordinations

On Saturday, September 14, 2024, on the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, diaconate and presbyteral ordinations in the Diocese of Cotonou (Benin) were celebrated at the Our Lady of Divine Mercy shrine in Allada. Among the 14 deacons ordained were two Camillian confreres, Hyppolite VIDAGBANDJI and Ulrich Silvère MBAIGNABE.

Whereas, among the 17 consecrated priests, there were also two of our confreres, Fr. Pacôme DASSOU and Fr. Arlus ADJIBODOU. The ordination Holy Mass was presided over by the local Ordinary, Archbishop Roger HOUNGBEDJI of Cotonou. Addressing the newly ordained, he stressed the splendor of the priesthood, which nevertheless entails crosses and sufferings: hence the need to cling to Christ in order to be faithful to one’s commitment. At the end of the ceremony, in his words of thanksgiving, the Archbishop expressed his desire to see this collaboration between the diocese and the various religious congregations perpetuated, especially in the celebration of the various ordinations.

Mass of Thanksgiving

On Sunday, September 15, 2024 at the St. Camillus Formation House in Sègbanou, the Mass of Thanksgiving was celebrated at the provincial level. It was an opportunity for the two new priests to celebrate the Eucharist with the Camillian province in Benin. They were joined by newly ordained deacons VIDAGBANDJI Hyppolite and Ulrich Silvère MBAIGNANBE. This Mass was celebrated in thanksgiving for the religious who made their temporary and perpetual vows, diaconate and priestly ordination, the silver jubilee of religious profession, and the sixth anniversary of the canonical erection of the Camillian province of Benin-Togo.