Devotion to ‘Salus Infirmorum’ Spreads in Poland as well

intenzione di preghiera

Intenzione di preghiera

In recent months, in the context of the Jubilee Year of Mercy, some members of the work Instytut Księda Piotra Skargi ( have promoted a national campaign in Poland to promote knowledge about, and devotion and trusting to, Mary Our Lady of Health. They have printed and distributed 32,600 pamphlets and more than 1,300,000 copies of the picture of ‘Our’ Lady Salus Infirmorum which is kept at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rome.

As a response, the faithful have sent 33,000 postcards in which they recorded with their pens the thoughts of their hearts, their concerns, their prayer intentions and their requests to be entrusted to Our Lady for the healing of sick people.

On 6 July of this year, about ten boxes containing these postcards-intentions were delivered to the rectory of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, to be the subject of our prayers for intercession as well


Le scatole contenenti le intenzioni di preghiera

Le scatole contenenti le intenzioni di preghiera










Le scatole contenenti le intenzioni di preghiera