Very dear brothers and sisters of the LCF in Haiti,
Dear Camillian Communities at Port-au-Prince and Jérémie in Haiti
The LCF Central Commission wants to express to you its thoughts and prayers after the catastrohic news due
to the passage of the devastating Matthew hurricane. We think of the thousands of victims, specially to those who are wounded and have lost everything during these terrible days.
We can imagine all the ardour that you are giving to alleviate so many sufferings of the people, thus following the example of St Camillus when he found himself facing dramatic periods of devastation and epidemics. We pray him for you and with you.
Anita Ennis, our Vice-president, is to go on the spot on behalf of the LCF Central Commission and CADIS (ex Task Force) as a volonteer, at the earliest opportunity to hear what the imediate needs are and initiate an immediate response to support the work of the Camillian Emergency response to Hurricane Matthew. Anita plans to arrive in Port au Prince this week-end.
In fraternal communion
Marie-Christine Brocherieux, Anita Ennis, Maria Hajnalka Bako’, Giosuè Sparacino, P. Laurent Zoungrana
Questo il Conto Corrente Cadis a cui far inviare i bonfici destinati ad Haiti (causale Emergenza Haiti)
IBAN: IT63 K033 5901 6001 0000 0144 767
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