NEWSLETTER 61 – JULY 2019 273 Years after the Canonisation of St. Camillus: the First Camillian Woman Saint – Giuseppina Vannini! Dearest Religious Brothers and Sisters of the great family of St. Camillus, The celebration of the liturgical feast day
The strategic importance – during our epoch – of simple, linear, transparent and immediate communication is evident to everyone.
The project of the Newsletter seeks to meet the request for greater knowledge about what is happening in the lives of our communities: in it the events are not commented upon but simply shared.
This project, in order to maintain its immediacy and above all its continuity, requires the cooperation of all those of our religious brothers who wish to make other men and women participants not only in the extraordinariness of certain appointments but also in their own daily service to the person and in totally special way to those people who are frail and sick.
NEWSLETTER 60 ENG The Return of the Prodigal Son. Reflections Starting with the Picture by Rembrandt By José Eduardo de Siqueira Is it reasonable to produce an essay to outline analogies between ‘The Return of the Prodigal Son’ by Rembrandt
NEWSLETTER 59 – MAY 2019 COVER: ‘The Dream of St. Camillus’ (at the centre) by the Veronese painter Antonio Gonzato was fulfilled in the life of the Blessed Camillian Enrico Rebuschini (liturgical memorial 10 May); in the life of the
NEWSLETTER 58 – APRIL 2019 POST-SYNODAL APOSTOLIC EXHORTATION – CHRISTUS VIVIT 1. Christ is alive! He is our hope, and in a wonderful way he brings youth to our world, and everything he touches becomes young, new, full of life.
Newsletter 57 – MARZO 2019 ADDRESS OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO MEN AND WOMEN RELIGIOUS OF THE CAMILLIAN CHARISMATIC FAMILY Dear sisters and dear brothers, It is with joy that I welcome you all, representatives of the different expressions
Newsletter 56 – February 2019 MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE XXVII WORLD DAY OF THE SICK 2019 “You received without payment; give without payment” (Mt 10:8) Dear Brothers and Sisters, “You received without payment; give without payment”
NEWSLETTER 55 JANUARY 2019 News Fr. Leo Pessini – Global Bioethics at a Time of Uncertainty, Perplexity and Hope Rome, 8 December 2018 Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary This book, entitled ‘Bioethics in a Time of Uncertainty
NEWSLETTER 54 – DECEMBER 2018 SAINT CAMILLUS WITH OUR LADY AND CHILD – Villaggio San Camillo (Sassari) Dio ha rivelato la pienezza dell’amore nel mistero dell’Incarnazione; in Cristo Gesù si sono manifestate la bontà di Dio Salvatore nostro e la
Newsletter 53 – The Camillian World Seen from Rome…and Rome Seen from the World NEWSLETTER 53 Novembre 2018 Bioetica, umanesimo e post-umanesimo nel XXI secolo: alla ricerca di un nuovo essere umano[1]? Leocir Pessini, M.I. Bioethics, Humanism and Post-Humanism in
NEWSLETTER 52 October 2018 PLANETARY HEALTH AND THE PLANET OUR ETHICAL RESPONSIBILITY! By Leocir Pessini ‘Planetary health is a great idea for this century’ Judith Rodin, President of the Rockefeller Foundation (USA) ‘Climate change is the greatest threat
NEWSLETTER 51 PDF LETTER OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD “If one member suffers, all suffer together with it” (1 Cor 12:26). These words of Saint Paul forcefully echo in my heart as I acknowledge once
Era il 23 luglio 2014 quando uscì per la prima volta la Newsltter Camilliana. L’intento, nato da una segnalazione di un confratello era il seguente: «abbiamo pensato di adottare anche noi la possibilità di interagire con tutti coloro che sono
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