
Gift as Hope!

Perhaps: Hope as Gift?   Gift in the market is like a party in daily life, Luxury for the useful, the sacred for the profane, A prostitute for a bride! (Guy Douglas)   Gift, to be a gift, must be

Today, 8 December, the day of the Immaculate Conception, Camillians throughout the world renew their vows with a special celebration. Here you can download the booklet of the Liturgy of the Renewal of Vows which will be held in the

Father Luciano Sandrin   The family must be the object of loving care by the Church community, especially during the most fragile moments which, indeed, can be transformed into challenges to the faithfulness of conjugal love. There are many challenges

New wine in new wineskins: with a commitment to ensuring that the wine does not become vinegar! Religious today: Sentries of the morning, lighthouses on the coasts, trumpets on the walls… ‘We must not be afraid to leave the ‘old

The Year of Consecrated Life begins today, 30 November. This is an important appointment to pray, reflect, dialogue, convert, act…in relation to our choice to have a ‘Camillian’ consecration. We offer a simple initiative which will unfold during the whole