
Dear All, Our full medical team has reached Gorkha and are staying at St Mary’s convent. Sr Shobha and Sr Smitha would be the contact person here. The contact number I have shared in whatsapp. We have divided into 2

Dear All, Best Regards, Today I met the medical superindent of Gorkha region. They don’t have a list of highly injured locations but they were able to share list of medical camps who had already visited the sites and who

Every Life is a Gift

Virginia Coda Nunziante, the spokeswoman and organiser of the demonstration, speaks to us about this great event – which by now has reached its fifth edition – which brings together in the heart of Rome the Italian pro-life world in

1st May 2014

As previously mentioned we had planned to visit 4 Places for assessment which was later changed since there was already other NGO’s present there. We received this information from the village district committee and they gave us 7 places –

C.Maccise, Cento Temi di vita consacrata. Storia e Teologia, Spiritualità e Diritto, EDB, Bologna, 2007, p.253 ‘The novitiate, through which life in an institute is begun, is arranged so that the novices better understand their divine vocation, and indeed one

We are totally yours

Novati G.B., De Eminentia Deiparae Virginis Mariae, second edition, Bologna, 1639, vol. II, p. 378. ‘Restat ut Te, o Virgo, Ducem atque Antesignanam nostram omni studio excolamus et quia sine te nihil habere possumus, omnia per Te nos habere gloriemur.

30th April 2015

Dear All, As mentioned in the previous mail, 4 groups have left for site. The group which am in has reached Gorkha for assessment. Brother Madhu has left for Sindupalchowk. On the way from Kathmandu we noticed that only few

The coordinators of the Camillian Task Force have recently informed us that on the evening of Tuesday 28 April Brother Madhu – a Camillian religious of the Vice-Province of India – communicated to them that he had arrived in Kathmandu