
Seeing these faces that are waiting and praying, today, the second CTF team from India is departing for Kathmandu to start the second phase intervention. The team is composed of four: Fr. Siby, Felix, Manju and Chand. Chand will join

Camillian Religious – Daughters of St. Camillus – Sister Ministers of the Sick of St. Camillus (Camillian Sisters) 14 July 2015 Liturgical Feast Day of St. Camillus de Lellis 401 years after his death   TO OUR ELDERLY AND SICK

His history can be read as an authentic journey of transfiguration. Perhaps one can also identify its determining stages, that is to say those moments when he emerges transformed again and again and appears to be ‘another’ compared to what

‘And service to the sick poor even if plague-stricken, in their corporeal and spiritual needs, day and night, according to how he is commanded’ It was through a good group dynamic that the terminology of service entered the history of

Institutional Charter of the Order approved unanimously by the Second General Chapter (1599) A decision of the general session of 19 June. This contains the basic elements of the charism of the Institute formulated by Camillus in the memorial that

Healing, even when it takes place, is never an end in itself; it is opening, the pointing to a new road which now opens up before us. This is because thanksgiving, praise or – even – following Christ are indicative