Naples, 5 May 2016 – free tests for breast cancer and a bouquet of flowers for all mothers. This was the initiative launched by the ‘Santa Maria della Pietà’ Hospital of Casoria (Naples) which is managed by Camillian religious on
Ore 12.00 arrivo della reliquia alla Cappella centrale del Policlinico Umberto I Ore 12.30 santa Messa presieduta da Sua Ecc Za Mons. Leuzzi, Vescovo ausiliare della città di Roma e delegato per la Pastorale Universitaria Al termine la reliquia verrà
MADRID EXCHANGE: Proposals and Courses of Action Humanization of Healthcare and Access to Quality Care 21-24 April 2016 Centro de Humanización de la Salud Tres Cantos, Madrid The meeting of the directors of the Camillian pastoral/ humanization centers, universities, Camillianum
By Don Tonino Bello Real sadness is not when, in the evening, there is nobody waiting for you when you return home, but when you no longer expect anything from life. And you suffer the darkest loneliness not when you
Web site: The St. Camillus Foundation is spearheading the private sector’s activities on building more homes for the aged in Thailand with its ever increasing aging society. A press conference and symposium on March 9 presented a view of
Il video della cerimonia di premiazioni “Aurora Prize”. Al minuto 1:20:29 l’intervento di p. Bernard Kinvi
Fr. Bernard Kinvi arrived a few hours ago in Yerevan in Armenia where on Sunday the award ceremony of the #AuroraPrize will take place. Fr. Bernard, together with Marguerite Barankitse, Dr. Tom Catena and Syeda Ghulam Fatima, are among the
NEWSLETTER PDF WORKS OF MERCY BROTHER ETTORE BOSCHINI: A SAINT, A HISTORY CLOTHING THE NAKED – HOUSING STRANGERS A small book by Natale Benazzi, a theologian and essayist, has recently appeared in the bookshops and it belongs to the context
Message of the Father General to the Forum of all Directors of the Camillian Pastoral Health Care Centers, Universities, Camillianum and the Camillian Physicians Madrid, 21-24 April 2016 To my dear Camillian confreres who work in the field of education
In occasione della 53ª Giornata mondiale di preghiera per le vocazioni, che si celebra oggi – domenica del Buon Pastore – vi vogliamo proporre l’editoriale scritto del Superiore Generale p. Leocir Pessini riguardante la coinvolgente testimonianza di consacrazione religiosa camilliana
In this new season of the Church inaugurated by Pope Francis, and in the search for the revitalisation of consecrated life with the celebration of the Year of Consecrated Life (2015), we are invited to engage in a personal exodus
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