
Burying the dead

   The life of a believer is a great and marvellous adventure which reaches its culminating point at the moment of death, a death that is not a destination but a launch pad for a life that has no end.

One of the many small hospitals that existed at the time of St. Camillus to face emergencies such as the incalculable mass of beggars invading Rome in times of famine and cold. The problem of beggars appeared in its full

The Vocation of the Brother The Theological Aspect The Ecclesiological Aspect The Religious Life Charismatic Inspiration The Example of St. Camilllus The Charism of the Texts of the Foundation Ministry A Holistic Vision of Health The Constitutions The Role/Space of

The pastoral agent of health is called and sent out by God to work on behalf of life in the world of health, they are the loving and liberating presence of Jesus who raises up and heals.  Psychological and Human

It is difficult to understand Fr. Luigi Tezza immediately. When understood, he is loved, he is followed. This is why it is better to outline in a summarising fashion his human, priestly and apostolic profile, and then go back to

To enter a prison and look forward to leaving it forms a single whole. Behind those grey walls, behind the clanging of those gates, even the air that you breathe seems heavier. But the words of Jesus ‘I was in

In Giovanni Paolo II ai Religiosi (‘John Paul II to Religious’) Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Vatican City, 1995 As regards the essential aspects of consecrated life, the Second Vatican Council, in its decree Perfectae caritatis, after addressing the evangelical counsels of

The Camillian mission in China began because of the Prefecture of Chaotung (Yunnan, south-west China) in 1946 and in response to a request made by the apostolic administrator Msgr. Kerec. Differently from what had been agreed, Chaotung was the seat

Visiting the sick

The greatest grace, the finest gift that God has given us, is to have ‘visited us’, sending His Son. This was a reason for exultation for the elderly Simeon when he welcomed Jesus full of joy with open arms, exclaiming: