
Forgiving offences

Forgiving offences is a huge work of mercy that has no boundaries. It is not limited to a category but, instead, covers and affects the hearts of all of us. Day by day. This is because to live forgiveness is

Very many tears are written about in the Bible. I will confine myself to some quotations from the Psalms: ‘my eye is wasted from grief’ (31:10); ‘ every night I flood my bed with tears’ (6:7); ‘I weep tears of

Admonishing sinners

Amongst the Works of Mercy that we have learnt from the Catechism there is also ‘admonishing sinners’, a phrase that is perhaps not very happy because it seems to assume that a Christian who is not a sinner should admonish

I would like to begin my comments on this second ‘work of spiritual mercy’ with a fine thought of St. Rabano  Mauro, the Benedictine Abbot of Fulda and a great Archbishop of Magonza: ‘Those who lead back the errant to

Ouagadougou – Friday, 14 October 2016 The morning of the fifth day of this meeting was dedicated to certain Camillian centres in Ouagadougou: the St. Camillus Hospital, the ‘Pietro Annigoni’ Centre for Biomolecular Research, and the ‘Candaf’ Health-Care Centre. These

Comforted and guided by the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, we will now seek to achieve a better understanding of the delicate task of ‘advising the doubtful’. Doubt refers to a state of uncertainty in which a person finds

Ouagadougou – Thursday 13 October 2016 The morning of the fourth day of the meeting (chairman Br. J. Ignacio Santaolalla) was dedicated to the description of certain initiatives of the general curia:  CADIS, the former CTF; various activities connected with