Missione Salute March-April year XXX n. 2 Conscientious objection is the possibility of not obeying a human law that is against the law of God, that is to say it is a rejection of behaviour that is against one’s own
“The Word is a gift. Other persons are a gift” Dear Brothers and Sisters, Lent is a new beginning, a path leading to the certain goal of Easter, Christ’s victory over death. This season urgently calls us to conversion.
Paolo Guarise The Camillians are present in about ten African countries. After the first failed attempt in the Sudan at the end of the nineteenth century with Fr. Stanislao Carcereri, the Camillians settled in Tanzania (1959), Burkina Faso (1966), Benin
The encyclical Laudato si’ of Pope Francis, a document which is at times moving, pays a great deal of attention to the illnesses of the globalised planet and to relationships with patients. It is an invitation to rediscover the values
NEWSLETTER 33 FEBRUARY 2017 THE VERY MANY ‘INNS OF THE GOOD SAMARITAN’ The twenty-fifth anniversary of the institution of the World Day of the Sick and the twentieth anniversary of the foundation of the National Office for Pastoral Care in
Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica, Per vino nuovo otri nuovi. Dal Concilio Vaticano II la vita consacrata e la esfide ancora aperte. Orientamenti, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2016 La Congregazione per gli Istituti
by Paolo Guarise After forty years of Camillian ministry in Kenya, the Order of the Ministers of the Sick and the Great Family of St. Camillus are happy to have gathered in – this year – an abundant harvest: in
In a previous edition, reference was made to a consensus document[1] of various Italian medical associations and societies who agreed to introduce palliative care in their specific fields of activity. This document pointed to the conditions for its application
The Province of Poland Holy Mass and anointing of the sick presided over by Fr. Alfred György Camilliano in the diocese of Szatmár (Transylvania, Romania), in the city of Nagybánya. More than two hundred sick people received the sacrament.
“The conquests of biomedical research and the new social and healthcare realities that have come to pass since 1994, as well as the pronouncements of the Magisterium of the Catholic Church that have been emanated in the ambit of life
di p. Leocir Pessini in Missione Salute Anno XXX – N.1 GENNAIO FEBBRAIO We live in times charged with uncertainty; times that are marked by fearful disappointments, by a terrible lack of interest, and by a fatal indifference towards human
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