
By Father Antonio Marzani, MI, in ‘Come il Samaritano’ (‘Like the Samaritan’) Illness, disability, pain, suffering. These are not innocuous words. They provoke disquiet, vexation, fear, and anxiety. These are feelings that man tries to distance, to reject, because they

For eleven years Fr. Arnaldo Pangrazzi has been going regularly to the Ukraine to hold courses in various cities of the country. The targets of these meetings are medical doctors, people taking the master’s degree in bioethics at the Catholic

Fifty years after the promulgation of the encyclical letter POPULORUM PROGRESSIO of Pope Paul VI (26 March 1967) This is the fiftieth anniversary of the great social encyclical of Paul VI, Populorum progressio (26 March 1967). The central axis of

By Fr. I. Radrizzani FATHER ALESSANDRO PEDRONI ‘How much I love our Order! I wish to see it propagated in all the regions of the world, in order to spread the treasures of its evangelical charity’. To Father Alessandro Pedroni

The extraordinary Provincial Chapter of the Spanish Province of the Camillians was celebrated on 27 February to 1 March 2017. Its theme was ‘Embracing the Present with Joy and the Future with Hope’. The chairman of the Chapter was Br.

The decision about when to begin palliative care is not an easy one. Various interconnected factors are at work in this process. They are emotional, cultural and scientific factors that have different impacts on the various actors that are involved