
Meeting of Camillian Parish Priests and Rectors Sao Paulo – BRAZIL – Day II – 20 April 2017 Camillian parishes: a place of communion (koinonia), of evangelization (kerygma), and mission (diakonia) On Thursday (April 20), the conference opens with a

Happy Easter

    The superior general and consultors of Camillians, the confreres of ‘St. Maria Maddalena’ community in Rome renew their greeting for Happy Easter           “O Cross of Christ, teach us that the rising of the

The Hospice

Palliative care, which can be applied in various contexts (hospitals or at home, or in clinics of various kinds), finds in the hospice the principle setting in which it is applied to the highest degree. A hospice, indeed, is a

Fr. Leocir Pessini, the Superior General, with the agreement of the members of the General Consulta, after consulting the religious of the Provinces and Vice-Provinces of the Order, on 10 April 2017, appointed, for the three-year period 2017-2020: Fr. AYITE

  70,000 people have been afflicted by the constant and devastating landslides provoked by the incessant rain that has been inundating Peru since January and is now beating down on Bolivia. Thousands of displaced persons, over 250 health-care centres destroyed,

By Father Antonio Marzani, MI, in ‘Come il Samaritano’ (‘Like the Samaritan’) Illness, disability, pain, suffering. These are not innocuous words. They provoke disquiet, vexation, fear, and anxiety. These are feelings that man tries to distance, to reject, because they