
In the last edition reference was made to the importance of quality of life as the goal of care in a hospice. Nothing is left to chance to offer to those in a hospice care that is directed towards appreciating

Albeit with a heavy heart, also for Fr. Franceso Avi, a Camillian religious and missionary medical doctor, the hour to leave had arrived. Fr. Avi came to this painful decision because of his advanced age and because of health problems.

Taken from Missione Salute Year XXIX – n. 3 May/June 2016 By Fr. Luciano Sandrin Frailty accompanies our lives. And it has a thousand ways of making itself felt. It touches our bodies, our minds, our relationships and our spirits.

 A hospice seeks to provide to a patient and his or her family unit those conditions that will enable him to her to live even when the illness seems to have taken control of the situation and when it appears