Missione Salute n. 2/2017 The chapel dedicated to St. Camillus in Sampran Nakorn Pathom was built in response to certain needs of our Camillian Social Centre which is made up of a house for formation for pre-novices and for temporary
Missione Salute n. 2/2017 It seems incredible…for the Western world but the need to create new spaces for young men has led the Camillians of Indonesia to promote the initiative of a theologate in Maumere on the Island of Flores.
Luciano Sandrin – Camillianum Pastoral care in health – which for the Church is an integral and indispensable part of her mission – can be described as the multiform activity of the Christian community in favour of people marked by
In the context of a network of palliative care, the operational method by which to respond in a unitary way to the needs of sick people and their relatives is teamwork. In various documents recognised organisations belonging to this sector,
The community engaged in a solemn celebration of the feast day of St. Camillus on 14 July. To this celebration, in good time, we invited Msgr. Giuseppe Pellegrini, the Bishop of Concordia Pordenone, who is known by many Camillians (amongst
The ‘Come and See’ Camillian community of Acireale in Sicily has had a rich and important experience: ten young men underwent the experience of the service-camp to engage in discernment about their vocations and thereby understand the project of the
24 years ago, Fr. Emilio Balliana and Bro. Valentino arrived in Karungu to start on a mission. As history haves it, Karungu was a marginalized area with high HIV/AIDS prevalence. This interested Camillian community whose main aim is to care
How much is little Mary Magdalene loved? A symbol of mercy and received forgiveness, this saint unites in herself three historical figures: the forgiven sinner, the sister of Lazarus, and the woman disciple from Magdala. Today we remember with joy
In the Delegation of Vietnam our founder St. Camillus was solemnly celebrated on 15 July and there could not have been a finer opportunity to celebrate the perpetual profession of two keen young men who wanted to offer their lives,
Preghiera a San Camillo de Lellis – Bruno Forte, Arcivescovo di Chieti – Vasto “Dio è tutti, il resto è nulla. Salvare l’anima è l’unico impegno che conta Nella vita che è tanto breve”: la verità espressa da questa parole
SHARED MESSAGE The Camillians– the Daughters of St. Camillus– the women Ministers of the Sick Young People, Faith and Vocation: a Shared Yearning for Holiness! ‘Oh miserable and unhappy me what great blindness has mine been not to know the
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