Il giorno 8 ottobre 2017 tra molta partecipazione di fedeli, i Camilliani della Thailandia e del Vietnam hanno celebrato con gioia la prima professione religiosa di Gerolamo Nguyen Dinh Can. Ha presieduto la celebrazione il Superiore provinciale p. Rocco Pairat
PHOTOGALLERY International meeting of providers of formation AND ANIMATORS OF VOCATIONS Rome, 12-17 October 2017 Message of the Superior General ‘The processes of internationalization should involve all the Institutes (both for men and for women) in becoming laboratories of supportive
The celebration of the perpetual profession of three Camillian religious, Paul Kabito, Godfrey Wanyelo and Josphat Okemwa, took place on Saturday 30 September at the St. Camillus Seminary of Nairobi (Kenya). These religious were accepted definitively into the Order by
Called to have the same feelings as Jesus Christ (Phil 2:5)! The priestly ordination of Fr. Salvatore Giuseppe Pontillo On Saturday 30 September last, in the late afternoon, in the town of Grassano in the Province of Matera, our confrere
SCARICA QUI IL TESTO IN SPAGNOLO di José Carlos Bermejo, MI Sommario Negli ultimi anni, nel contesto degli studi e delle ricerche di psicologia e di spiritualità, si parla di resilienza come possibilità per lo sviluppo e la crescita personale
Palliative care does not end with the death of a patient, and this is particularly true when the patient dies in a hospice after a period of admission. Faithful to a vision of holistic care, palliative care continues to take
Fr. Leocir PESSINI, Superior General On 11-14 September of this year I had the privilege to take part as a listener, and the only Camillian, in the First World Congress of Bioethics organised by the Fatebenefratelli in Spain, in
Many reasons led the Camillian religious to donate the stature of their Founder St. Camillus to the Hospital of St. Pio. First of all, because this saint has been offered by the Church as a model for, and the patron
Missione Salute n. 4/2016 ‘Continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed’ (2 Timothy 3:14). Paul’s exhortations to Timothy concern us all. One is dealing here with the Word and resisting attempts that seek to make us replace
Dolore e sofferenza: interpretazioni, senso e cure Aula Magna “Emidio Spogli”, 30 – 31 ottobre 2017 Il convegno, che celebra i 30 anni di attività accademica del Camillianum, intende promuovere il senso cristiano della sofferenza in un contesto culturale pluralista.
I was once asked why a person chooses to be a volunteer and emphasis was provocatively placed on the inclination of people to become a volunteer for their own benefit more than for other people. I believe that each person
Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica, Consacrazione e Secolarità, Lettera ai Vescovi della Chiesa Cattolica sugli Istituti Secolari Collana Documenti Vaticani Gli Istituti Secolari Il mondo degli Istituti Secolari comprende Istituti laicali maschili
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