In occasione delle celebrazioni per la festa di Ognissanti, la Provincia Indiana Camilliana ha creato un piccolo video clip per rendere omaggio ai nostri cari padri che ci hanno preceduto.
INAUGURAL MESSAGE OF THE GENERAL MODERATOR Celebration of the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Camillianum, the International Institute for the Theology of Pastoral Care in Health Initial Greetings I extend my most respectful greetings to His Excellency Msgr.
HOMILY FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Inauguration of the Academic Year 2017-2018 The Thirtieth Anniversary of the Foundation of the Camillianum THE SUFFERING THAT BRINGS HOPE TO THE HUMAN HEART AND TO HUMANITY! Fr. Leocir PESSINI Superior General of
The Camillians first step their food in 2001 in the person of late fr. Rino Metrini, MI. Fr. Luigi Galvani, MI, then Provincial Superior and later elected as the General Consulta of the Camillians, was very happy to welcome us
Ouagadougou, 27 ottobre 2017. Il confratello p. Jacques Simpore viene insignito di onorificenza da parte del governo burkinabe’ per l’eccellenza del suo servizio educativo di ricerca e di insegnamento. Leggi qui:
Motu proprio ‘maiorem hac dilectionem’ and the holiness of the camillian consecration The Relationship between this Document of the Magisterium and the Fourth Vow of the Camillians On 11 July 2017 Pope Francis signed the Motu Proprio Maiorem hac dilectionem
The morning began with the prayers of lauds and continued following the timetable: the groups of providers and formation and animators of vocations came together again in the assembly hall to conclude the discussions about the updating and the revision
TWO CONFRERES TOOK THEIR FINAL VOWS IN DAR ES SALAAM AND WERE ORDAINED DEACONS THE DAY AFTER The 12th and 13th of October 2017 were two consecutive days of joy and fraternity in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, for the celebration
A day dedicated entirely to deliberations about the Rule for Formation. Organised into linguistic groups, the providers of formation and animators of vocations exchanged views about the individual parts of the Rule for Formation that had been assigned to them.
On Sunday 15 October, the day when we celebrate the liturgical memorial of the Blessed Giuseppina Vannini, the providers of formation and animators of vocations went in the early morning on a pilgrimage to Bucchianico, the place where our saint,
The subject of the third day was centred around interculturality. The morning was opened by a paper by the Camillian religious Fr. Laurent Ouédraogo who, starting from the letters that St. Camillus wrote to Fr. Oppertis in which we can
We thank Fr. Nicola Docimo for his paper PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY The meeting witnessed the presence of fifty Camillian religious from various countries of the world. Some representatives of the Daughters of St. Camillus were also present during the first two
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