In January 1713, pope Clement XI assigned to the Camillians the Roman parish church of St. John of Malva in the neighbourhood of Trastevere. In February 1714, the Vicar General of the Order presented to the Congregation for the Regular
From Felice Ruffini, San Camillo de Lellis (Edizioni Velar) On the way to Manfredonia 1 February 1575: Camillus with his donkey and baskets containing a ‘quantity of pasta’ left for S. Giovanni Rotondo to go to the friary of St.
“The Lord says: “The measure you give will be the measure you get back” (Lk. 6,38). Listen to the meaning of perfect truth, consider this optimal means to acquire the precious margarita of charity, of which the holy gospel says:
Under the most fresh yoke of perpetual poverty» “Dressed in our poor habit, which, according to the opinion of the superior, is old and valued as a sign of mortification” Regarding poverty, the teaching of St. Camillus is one of
“To live only in Jesus the Crucified” “Have for great gain the grace of dying for our Crucified Lord Jesus Christ…” The Crucifix is a constant reference in the life of St. Camillus. We read in Cicatelli: “With them (the
Ufficio Nazionale per la pastorale della salute Tavolo Nazionale sulla salute mentale Tra segregazione e accoglienza: – Per un progetto nazionale per l‘accoglienza della disabilità psichica
Every creature is endowed with what were called virtues during antiquity and which in artists and saints reach exceptional levels. The environment and the family often work together in a determining way to foster them or at least to reveal
Vatican City, January 24, 2018 This February 2, Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the Church celebrates the World Day of Consecrated Life. This will be a day of thanksgiving and prayer for the gift of vocations. On that
Mater Ecclesiae: «”Ecco tuo figlio… Ecco tua madre”. E da quell’ora il discepolo la prese con sé» (Gv 19,27) Materiali per l’animazione pastorale CLICCA QUI
In the afternoon of 26 December 2017, St. Stephen’s Day, the day of that proto-martyr, three perpetually professed Camillians of the Vice-Province of Benin-Togo were ordained deacons at the Camillian seminary of Ouidah (Benin). Eight years ago, these three young
St. Camillus was a great presence in the life of Germana Sommaruga. A model? No, a ‘brother’, a friend with whom she felt in harmony, despite the centuries that separated them: she always felt the joy of being born on
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