Il corso con metodologia interdisciplinare ha l’obiettivo di promuovere la cultura cristiana della cura e della salute, che pone al centro l’integralità della persona umana. La salute coinvolge tutti i fattori cruciali dell’esistenza, non solo quelli biologici, ma anche quelli
PART II Tratto da Beato Luigi Tezza. Apostolo dell’amore di Dio, di Antonio Casera, edizioni Velar Father Luigi Tezza carried out his task of a reformer with extreme prudence, starting with an effective formation of the young novices, while with
“Più cuore in quelle mani!”. È stata questa l’esortazione che i tre paesi di Armento, Corleto e Guardia Perticara nella diocesi di Tricarico (PZ), si sono visti rivolgere durante tutta la seconda settimana di Quaresima dai Religiosi Camilliani della Provinicia
The photograph reproduced here was taken one afternoon at the end of August 2001 in Lyons, France. Giovanni Maria Rossi and I were rehearsing a piece that was then performed that evening within the framework of the activities organised for
With the formation of the independent States of Latin America, various Camillian religious communities ceased to exist. This took place in Peru as well. The only survivor had stayed at the house of Buenamuerte (of the ‘good death’) which, although
Press Release On Tuesday, March 6, 2018, at 3.00 p.m., at the Auditorium of the Antonianum, the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life will present the publication: “Economia a servizio del carisma
THE OPENING OF THE GOLDEN JUBILEE OF THE JUVENAT SAINT CAMILLE OF OUAGADOUGOU (BURKINA FASO) On Friday 2 February 2018, the Juvénat Saint Camille (editor’s note: minor seminary) solemnly inaugurated its golden jubilee in the presence of Fr. Gaétan Kaborè,
On the cover: Haiti: CADIS in Ranja to Build the Future By Fr. Sam A. Cuarto, MI The Camillian Disaster Service International, now a legally recognized Foundation that evolved from the Camillian Task Force, is faced with this basic
PROVINCIA DELLE FILIPPINE Nel giorno dedicato alla preghiera per i malati (11 febbraio 2018), p. Anthony ha presieduto l’eucaristia nella parrocchia di san Vincenzo Ferrer a Calbayog City. P. Leocir Pessini ha offerto l’omelia della celebrazione. Durante la santa messa
World Day of the Sick 2018 in Pakistan (Okara, Pakistan)Together with the Universal Church, the Lay Camillian Family Pakistan celebrated the 26th World of the Sick by undertaking two main activities in two districts of Okara and Sahiwal. Free Medical
Sr. Riccarda Lazzari The Prophetic Dimension of the Charism The prophetic dimension of the charism is implicit in its very nature as an event of the Spirit given to a man or woman founder to build up and to sanctify
Mater Ecclesiae: « “Behold, your son… Behold, your mother”. And from that hour the disciple took her into his home. » (Jn 19:26-27) Dear Brothers and Sisters, The Church’s service to the sick and those who care for them must
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