
Anna Maria Canopi, Patì per noi. Passione di Gesù secondo Matteo e Via Crucisa (Universale Economica Piemme, Casale Monferrato, 1999), pp. 54-55 If we look at he whom we pierced and if his passion becomes the mystery of our lives

Il corso “Digital Health Humanities” è stato progettato per fornire una formazione sul le tecnologie, sulla gestione di questo nuovo approccionei sistemi sanitari, sugli aspetti antropologici, etici e giuridici ad esso connessi. La sanità elettronica rappresenta l’uso combinato delle tecnologie

Some thoughts of thanks of the Provincial Superior of the Province of Sicily and Naples Forty-five years of the Camillian presence in Benin The seed becomes a tree thanks to the spirit of God. Dearest Religious,    Together with the

Angelo Brusco Capriate, 28.2.2018 In addressing the subject that was proposed to me, I chose a literary genre that makes the participation of the listeners more active and as a consequence makes their listening to this paper less burdensome. When