
Convegno sul tema: l’Humanae Vitae 50 anni dopo: tradizione, discernimento pastorale e riflessione. Per un’analisi storico-teologica, medico-sociale, eticae pastorale dell’Enciclica spartiacquedel cambiamento d’epoc24–25maggio 2018Aula Magna dell’Istituto Camillianum, Largo Ottorino Respighi 6, Roma In linea con la propria missione attenta alla

Vatican City, May 7, 2018 The International Conference “Consecratio et consecratio per evangelica consilia”, organized by the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life, ended yesterday.     In his concluding address, Cardinal De Aviz,

Vatican City, May 3, 2018 Today, at the Pontifical University Antonianum, the Congregation for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life, inaugurateg the International Conference  “Consecratio et consecratio per evangelica consilia”. The participants, numbering more than

On the first of May 2018, it was the celebration of the Camillian Religious of the Province of Thailand. The Provincial Superior has presided the Eucharistic Celebration for various occasions such as the first profession of 8 new brothers, renewal