Mario Bizzotto in Camillianum – Libri di storia e spiritualità camilliana – Vari, N.18, 2006 pp. 565-585 The attribution of weakness to God is essentially connected to two problems and these have always assailed theology. The first is expressed by
By Mario Bizzotto in Vita Nostra, Year LIII, no.4, October-December 2002, pp.475-481 In a time, like ours, where ideologies have lost their grip, depriving the person of parameters to compare their behavior, a reflection on values becomes opportune. A reflection
By Felice Ruffini in Camillianum – Books of Camillian history and spirituality – No.27, 2009, pp.475-488. In the sacristy of the Shrine of St. Camillus at Bucchianico, particular attention of the pilgrims is reserved to the fresco of the triptych
Conference of Camillian Family held on June 9, 2001 By Gianluigi Valtorta in Vita Nostra, Year LII, no.3, July-September 2001, pp.354-369. When I was entrusted with the task of preparing this reflection, the first title I proposed was “From the
GALLERIA FOTOGRAFICA On March 4, 1974, three Camillian missionaries from the Sicilian-Neapolitan province left for Benin in Africa. On September 15, 2018 the mission was erected a RELIGIOUS PROVINCE: it has the presence of 80 perpetually professed religious, 8 temporary
By Fr. Andrea Arvalli in Vita Nostra, Year LII, no.2, April-June 2001, pp.204-211. Conference held in Verona – San Giuliano on May 24, 2001 for the annual formation meeting, attended by about fifty religious. The theme – related to that
By Angelo Brusco in Camillianum – Books of camillian history and spirituality – No.1, 1990, pp.93-109 Analyzing the biography of Luigi Tezza, a Camillian religious whom John Paul II raised to the honor of the altars on November 4, 2001,
Greetings of Fr. Leocir Pessini PHOTOGALLERY Rome-Villa Primavera, 15-19 October 2018 Subject of the paper Called to holiness in my personal history: the apostolic exhortation ‘Gaudete et Exsultate’ of Pope Francis Presentation Fr. Leo Pessini – Superior General of the
Credits by : Destroyed houses, collapsed bridges and entire villages completely submerged by water and mud, are some of the consequences of the devastating tsunami that hit Indonesia last Friday 28 September 2018, after a 7.5 magnitude earthquake. The
Esteemed confrere Fr. Guy-Gervais AYITE, the Provincial Superior, Dearest confreres of the Camillian Province of Benin-Togo, It is with great joy that I send you this message of congratulations, of communion and of encouragement for your future on the occasion
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