Fr. Leocir Pessini Superior General of the Camillians Rome, 8 December 2018 Feast Day of the Immaculate Conception of Mary This book, entitled ‘Bioethics in a Time of Uncertainty and Perplexity and Hope’, brings together a number of texts which
In the chapel dedicated to St. Camillus of the Camillian community of Sampran (Thailand), on Saturday 24 November 2018, our Camillian religious celebrated the feast day of Our Lady of Health, postponing it in order to organise on the same
This year, the Camillian Pastoral Care Center in Bangkok, once again hosted the fifth training and assessment meeting of the national coordinators and partners of CADIS Foundation. This event is commonly known as the Bangkok Leadership Conference. Thirty-six (36) participants
19 November 2018: a day of thought, fraternity and dialogue for about thirty Camillian religious novices and postulants of the Province of Sicily and Naples at the ‘Giovanni XXIII’ Institute of Acireale-Mangano (CT). Two Camillian temporary professed were also
On 29 October of this year Fr. Luigi Galvani, the Delegate of Indonesia, gave an official welcome to the twenty new candidates with the handing over to them of the ‘little red cross’ during the celebration of the Eucharist
“There is no greater love than that of a mother for her only sick child”, is for us the maximum parameter that can be expressed. The Prophet Isaiah uses it to make us understand love of God for us: “Does
Messina, 24–28 September 2018 ‘Which path should I take? It depends on where you want to go’. With this quotation from Lewis Carroll the religious of the Province of Sicily and Naples accepted the invitation that Jesus makes in the
The Office for Communications thanks Fr Andi Cyrelus Suparman for the important testimony that he wanted to share with all of us. We wish him and the community of Flores a constant and glorious following of Christ in line with
By Fr. Pietro Magliozzi THE EXTRAORDINARY ASSEMBLY OF THE INTERNATIONAL LAY CAMILLIAN FAMILY, a step forward of hope for the Camillian laity Rome, 14-19 October 2018 The house of the Handmaidens of the Incarnation of Villa Primavera in Rome hosted
By Gianluigi Valtorta in Vita Nostra, Year LIII, no.4, October-December 2002, pp.482-499. Starting from the Instruction of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life “Starting afresh from Christ, a renewed commitment to consecrated life in
We the representatives of the LCF coming from 22 different countries gathered here in Villa Primavera, the beautiful property of the Handmaids of the Incarnation, send joyful greetings to all members of the Great Family of St Camillus de Lellis.
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS FRANCIS FOR WORLD MISSION DAY 2018 Dear young people, I would like to reflect with you on the mission that we have received from Christ. In speaking to you, I also address all Christians who live
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