Fr. Leo PESSINI WHICH CAMILLIAN PROPHECY TODAY? BETWEEN THE PAST…THE PRESENT…AND THE FUTURE. ProPHECY…BETWEEN THE SAMARITAN AND THE SAMARITAN WOMAN ‘Charisms are not entrusted to an institution or a group for safekeeping; rather they are gifts of the Spirit integrated
“For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the children of God” (Rm 8: 19) Dear Brothers and Sisters Each year, through Mother Church, God “gives us this joyful season when we prepare to celebrate the
The Camillian Disaster Service International (CADIS) embarks anew on a post-disaster needs assessment in Palu and Lombok Indonesia in collaboration with Fondazione L’Albero della Vita (FADV). The team composed of two volunteers – Sr. Daisy Carmona, SMI of CADIS Asia
Continua il pellegrinaggio del cuore di San Camillo nelle Filippine. In questi giorni la reliquia ha fatto tappa: nel duomo di Palo, Leyte (Filippine), nella diocesi di Catbalogan, Western Samar (Filippine), a Bicol Archidiocesi di Nueva Caceres Bicol (Filippine) diocesi
The Camillian Delegation of Indonesia celebrated the 27th World Day of the Sick with two significant celebrations: The first, on Sunday Feb10, 2019, in the public hospital of the city of Maumere where the Camillians are rendering pastoral care services.
Fr. Aris Miranda, General Consultor for Ministry The 27th World Day of the Sick is celebrated in Calcutta, India from February 9-12, 2019. The solemn event was preceded by a two day conference on pastoral health care and the testimonies
On the XXVII World Day of the Sick, to be solemnly celebrated on 11 February 2019 in Calcutta, India, the Church – as a Mother to all her children, especially the infirm – reminds us that generous gestures like that
Which Camillian Prophecy Today? Between the Past…the Present…and the Future. Prophecy…between the Samaritan Woman and the Samaritan Rome, 10-14 march 2019 Presso la CASA DI ESERCIZI SPIRITUALI NOSTRA SIGNORA MADRE DELLA MISERICORDIA – CONGREGAZIONE ANCELLE DI CRISTO RE Theme of
(Okara) The Christmas brings joys for the whole humanity and especially for the Christians. The LCF- Pakistan members, under the leadership of Ms. Asia Aslam and other members, organized an out-reach Christmas program and distributed small gifts among the poor
“You received without payment; give without payment” (Mt 10:8) Dear Brothers and Sisters, “You received without payment; give without payment” (Mt 10:8). These are the words spoken by Jesus when sending forth his apostles to spread the Gospel, so
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE 52nd WORLD DAY OF PEACE 1 JANUARY 2019 Good politics is at the service of peace 1. “Peace be to this house!” In sending his disciples forth
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