
The Camillian Delegation of Indonesia celebrated the 27th World Day of the Sick with two significant celebrations: The first, on Sunday Feb10, 2019,  in the public hospital of  the city of Maumere where the Camillians are rendering pastoral care services.

PROVINCIA ROMANA Villa Immacolata (VT) – GUARDA IL VIDEO         GALLERIA FOTOGRAFICA               BUCCHIANICO             INDIA  – CALCUTTA Le immagini inviate da p. Aris Miranda, Consultore

On the XXVII World Day of the Sick, to be solemnly celebrated on 11 February 2019 in Calcutta, India, the Church – as a Mother to all her children, especially the infirm – reminds us that generous gestures like that

Which Camillian Prophecy Today? Between the Past…the Present…and the Future. Prophecy…between the Samaritan Woman and the Samaritan Rome, 10-14 march 2019 Presso la CASA DI ESERCIZI SPIRITUALI NOSTRA SIGNORA MADRE DELLA MISERICORDIA – CONGREGAZIONE ANCELLE DI CRISTO RE Theme of

(Okara) The  Christmas brings joys for the whole humanity and especially for the Christians. The LCF- Pakistan members, under the leadership of Ms. Asia Aslam and other members, organized an out-reach Christmas program and distributed small gifts among the poor

MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE 52nd WORLD DAY OF PEACE 1 JANUARY 2019   Good politics is at the service of peace   1. “Peace be to this house!” In sending his disciples forth