
“There is no greater love than that of a mother for her only sick child”, is for us the maximum parameter that can be expressed. The Prophet Isaiah uses it to make us understand love of God for us: “Does

The Office for Communications thanks Fr Andi Cyrelus Suparman for the important testimony that he wanted to share with all of us. We wish him and the community of Flores a constant and glorious following of Christ in line with

Mario Bizzotto in Camillianum – Libri di storia e spiritualità camilliana – Vari, N.18, 2006 pp. 565-585 The attribution of weakness to God is essentially connected to two problems and these have always assailed theology. The first is expressed by

By Mario Bizzotto in Vita Nostra, Year LIII, no.4, October-December 2002, pp.475-481 In a time, like ours, where ideologies have lost their grip, depriving the person of parameters to compare their behavior, a reflection on values ​​becomes opportune. A reflection