
By Anna Frattini Before describing the specific charism of two secular institutes that live the spirituality of Saint Camillus, that is to say the Kamillianischen Schwestern and the women Missionaries of the Sick ‘Christ our Hope’, I think it is

 By p. Angelo Brusco Introduction Interpreting in an original and sublime way the charism of merciful charity towards the sick, St. Camillus deserved to be defined by Pope Benedict XIV as “the initiator of a new school of charity”. Looking at him,

     This year the World Day of the Sick was not celebrated in the cathedral of Nairobi because for about two years it has not been possible to use the square behind the basilica because of the construction of an

CONTINUA A LEGGERE QUI. SPEECH OF GREETING TO HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS by the Most Reverend  Fr. Leocir PESSINI, the Superior General of the Camillians, on the occasion of the audience granted to the members of the Camillian Charismatic Family

PHOTOGALLERY Rome, 14-18 March 2019 IN PREPARATION FOR THE GENERAL CHAPTER OF MAY 2020  THE HISTORY OF CAMILLIAN SUPERIOR GENERALS AND GENERAL CHAPTERS: Some Historical Notes and Curiosities! Fr. Leo Pessini The superior general presides over the government of the

The courage to take a risk for God’s promise Dear Brothers and Sisters, After the lively and fruitful experience of the Synod devoted to young people last October, we recently celebrated the Thirty-fourth World Youth Day in Panama City. These