The Camillians of the French Delegation organised two days of meetings to reflect upon their future. Guided in their discussions by Mrs Sylvia Gollini, an expert in communications, the meeting allowed an analysis of the work of the Province and
In copertina foto di Floriano Mazzella CHIESA DI SANTA MARIA MADDALENA Celebrazione Eucaristica – Solennità di San Camillo 14 Luglio Presiede Sua Ecc. Mons.Ruzza, Vescovo ausiliare della diocesi di Roma GALLERIA FOTOGRAFICA BUCCHIANICO Solenne Concelebrazione Eucaristica presieduta
Dearest Religious Brothers and Sisters of the great family of St. Camillus, The celebration of the liturgical feast day of our saint, Father Camillus, leads us, in addition to giving praise to God for the gift of such a great
CHIESA DI SANTA MARIA MADDALENA – Roma Chiesa di ‘S. Maria Maddalena’ – Roma TRIDUO DI PREGHIERA Giovedì 11 luglio – Venerdì 12 luglio ore 20.00 – Rosario – Lettura di alcuni Scritti di san Camillo Sacramento della Riconciliazione –
The International Commission for the LCF met at the Maddalena, the General House for the Order of St Camillus for their annual meeting from 24-28 June 2019. During this time we reviewed the interim International Assembly of LCF’s held in
Edited by Felice de Miranda M.I., I Camilliani a Pavia dal 1693 al servizio dei malati, Edizioni CDG, 2019 DOWNLOAD HERE THE TEXT IN FORMAT PDF Preface by Fr. Mario Bizzotto, M.I. Looking back at the past can only be
Celebration of the Camillian Fraternity of Casale Monferrato, Tuesday 18 June 2019 – The religious were at Casale from 1829 to 1989 On Tuesday 18 June 2019, in the Church of St. Paul, the annual meeting will take place
Reflections on the recent Camillian Parish Mission in Mondragone (Caserta) By Luca Caiazzo, a young man and local journalist In Mondragone young people of the parishes and Camillian missionaries immersed amongst the young: the ‘outward-going Church’ mission. 11 May 2019
José Carlos Bermejo, a Camillian religious and the director of the Centro de Humanización de la Salud of Tres Cantos (Madrid), has received an honorary prize for the ‘Best Professional Career Connected with Health’. Janssen, in collaboration with Cátedras en
Father Germano Santone, a Camillian religious and a chaplain at St. John’s Hospital of Rome, in the studios of TV2000 (the television channel of the Italian bishops) described a young Camillian for whom the cause of beatification is now underway
Rosabianca Carpene The very title of the paper that was entrusted to me offers some indications as to how to explore the meaning of the vocation of the lay faithful, and more specifically of those lay people who live following
Sr. Carmen Ros Norte, N.S.C. Under-Secretary of the CIVCSVA The subject that was entrusted to me is ‘Relationships between us beyond all Frontiers: Interculturality’. To speak about interculturality is not easy; above all it is not easy to transmit attitudes
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