Siamo nel cuore della Quaresima, una Quaresima che ricorderemo perché abitata da un virus che sta attraversando le nostre strade, paralizzando le nostre città e forse, per qualcuno, abitando le loro case. Ognuno, In mezzo alla fragilità e allo smarrimento
Dear consecrated brothers and sisters, The Lord is calling us to live this Lent of the year 2020 in a very special way, in a way that no one could think or imagine and that really requires each of us,
Dear confreres, members of the Lay Camillian Family, and all of you, health professionals, volunteers who, together with us, are serving the sick, my cordial greetings to each one of you! We are experiencing a season of pain and suffering
L’epidemia del coronavirus diffusasi nel mondo a partire dal mercato di Wuhan è un fenomeno che sta stravolgendo strutture e stili di vita consolidati. All’ombra della “paura” che contagia l’intero tessuto sociale, alimentata anche dalle costanti notizie trasmesse dai mezzi
On the second anniversary of the death (on 7 February 2020) of Mrs. Candida Pisù, a Camillian voluntary worker, Father Médard Aboué, paid tribute to this great lay missionary woman who for over thirty years dedicated herself totally to giving
On 2 February the celebrations began for the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of the ‘Juvénat St Camille’ Camillian Seminary. Many activities and projects animated the community during these days of celebration. The activities ended on Saturday 15 February 2020
Ho Chi Minh City, 23/02/2020 “Be an image of Jesus Christ for the sick, both physically and mentally, according tothe purpose of the redemption He brings.” That was the message of Bishop Louis Nguyen Anh Tuan, Auxiliary Bishop of Ho
“We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God” (2 Cor 5:20) Dear Brothers and Sisters, This year the Lord grants us, once again, a favourable time to prepare to celebrate with renewed hearts the great mystery of
INVOCATION TO THE HOLY SPIRIT FOR THE NEXT GENERAL CHAPTER O Holy Spirit, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, we invoke you to descend into the depths of hearts. Enlighten our minds and keep your fire burning in
Gianfranco Lunardon, MI Introduction On September 1 of this year, we are invited to celebrate the day for the custody of creation. It is a day to raise awareness among women and men of goodwill for a genuine and authentic
By Arnaldo Pangrazzi, from Presbyteri. Rivista di spiritualità pastorale, QS Editrice We are small but precious pieces in an immense mystery that envelops the world and human history. Every person – in their own way – is called to reflect
Proprio nelle terre cosiddette di missione l’opera della Chiesa contribuisce a portare speranza per coloro che vivono in una condizione di disperazione e sofferenza: “tutte le nostre comunità cristiane – rileva p. Lunardon – sono sorte grazie al lavoro di
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