The Power of CareWomen, Economics, Human Trafficking The theme of the eighth International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Trafficking in Persons is “The Power of Care – Women, Economics, Human Trafficking”.Trafficking is one of the deepest wounds inflicted by
We publish below the homily that the Pope delivered during the Eucharistic Celebration on the occasion of the XXVI Day of Consecrated Life Two elderly people, Simeon and Anna, await in the Temple the fulfilment of the promise that God
To the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences, To the Bishops responsible for Health Pastoral Care, To Men and Women Religious, To social, healthcare and pastoral workers, To volunteers and all persons of good will, “Ending discrimination, stigma, and prejudice” The
“Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful” (Lk 6:36). Standing beside those who suffer on a path of charity Dear brothers and sisters, Thirty years ago, Saint John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick to encourage the
Dearest confreres, my brothers and sisters who share in the same charism with us, and to the sick and the suffering people, I wish to renew my best wishes for a Merry and Holy Christmas as well as to the
MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR THE CELEBRATION OF THE 55th WORLD DAY OF PEACE 1 JANUARY 2022 Dialogue Between Generations, Education and Work: Tools for Building Lasting Peace 1. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the
The Camillian Province of Brazil is living the jubilee year of the centenary of the arrival of the Camillians in Brazil. The Order founded by St. Camillus de Lellis is distinguished for its care of the sick and has faced
On the occasion of the anniversary of 1 December 2021, the international day against AIDS, we publish a recent speech by Pope Francis (16 November 2021) thanking all those who help people suffering from HIV and AIDS. 5 December also
“You are my friends” (Jn 15:14) Dear brothers and sisters! As we celebrate your International Day, I would like to speak directly to all of you who live with any condition of disability, to tell you that the Church loves
CREATING AN INCLUSIVE SOCIETY: COMMUNITY-BASED REHABILITATION St. Camillus Ashram, being a unit of Sneha Charitable Trust and one of the ministry centers of St. Camillus Province, India, does a marvelous mission of taking care of children with multiple disabilities. This
Recently, a severe drought struck in the northeastern part of Kenya (Wajir), which left severe consequences on livestock and agriculture. Wajir is one of the arid and semi-arid (ASALS) regions of Kenya. After a rapid needs assessment, gaps were identified,
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