
The 37 participants from 17 countries have landed and are operating at the Camillian Pastoral Care Centre in Thailand for the annual meeting. Brazil, Haiti, Poland, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, Benin, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Uganda, the Philippines, Taiwan, Indonesia, India,

The General Consulta for Formation Fr. Baby Ellickal and the Regional Secretary for Formation in East Africa Fr. Fredrick Mukabana, in collaboration with the Secretaries of Formation in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, successfully organized two Ongoing Formation Workshops for Camillian

SISTO V PAPA In perpetual memory.   Dress question. Recently, We, with Apostolic authority, approved and confirmed the Company or Congregation called “Ministers of the Infirm”, initiated by Camillus de Lellis, Priest of the Theatine Diocese, and his Companions, with