
The ‘Camillianum’ Institutional Institute of the Theology of Pastoral Care in Sick, an institution of the Order of the Ministers of the Sick – Camillians, is a centre for theological and pastoral edication and training for those who work in the world of health and health care.

Since 23 June 2012 the Camillianum has been part of the Faculty of Sacred Theology of the Pontifical Lateran University as a specialisation course of the second and third theological cycles.The Dean of the Camillianum is Palma Sgreccia Presentation

Il malato di Alzheimer prova sin dalla fase iniziale della malattia gravi sofferenze psicologiche, l’ansia per il futuro connessa al timore della dipendenza e alla perdita dell’autonomia e della capacità decisionale, il disorientamento esistenziale dovuto alla progressiva difficoltà di  “riconoscersi”