The Tres Cantos community celebrated with great joy and devotion the priestly golden jubilee of Fr. Arnaldo Pangrazzi and the diamond jubilee of Fr. Santiago González García. This significant event took place on Sunday, June 23, when members of the community gathered to pay tribute to these two religious. The celebration will culminate next July 12 with a solemn Eucharist at the San Camilo Center in Tres Cantos on the feast of St. Camillus. This event promises to be a memorable occasion for the community, highlighting the dedication and commitment of these two religious.
On Monday, June 24, the Camillian community of Seville celebrated with great joy the 60th anniversary of priesthood of Father Dionisio Manso of the community of Sant Pere de Ribes. This celebration took place during Father Dionisio’s visit to this community, where he lived and served as chaplain of the Virgen del Rocío Hospital for 38 years. The day began with a lunch in the community, which was attended by several volunteers and friends of Father Dionisio in addition to the religious. In the afternoon, at 6:00 p.m., Father Dionisio presided over a Mass in the chapel of Virgen del Rocío Hospital, expressing his gratitude to God for his vocation and ministry throughout these 60 years.
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