CADIS Earthquake in Rieti

Terremoto ad Amatrice (3)Dear friends,

The strong earthquake that hit Amatrice, Arquata and Accumoli (Rieti, Lazio, Italy) has so far left 240 people dead.

The villages are located on the border of three regions in Central Italy, Lazio, Abruzzi and Marche, a seismic area that destroyed Aquila few years ago (2009).

The strongest tremor happened at 3:36 am (24/08), followed by numerous minor shocks, making rubbles of the three villages and of their neighborhoods. 

By 8:00 am, CADIS is in contact with the National and local Caritas and with the National Civil Defense. The Agencies tasked with the immediate rescue work have invited CADIS and other organizations to stay away from the “red area” in the next hours/days. The area has been totally cordoned in order to give way the rescuers to save more lives as possible.

Lazio region and some of our confreres have made already appeal for blood donation. Emergency medical services and temporary shelters have already been set up for the survivors.

As the ground will be cleared for quick assessment, CADIS will deploy a team for initial assessment so as to mobilize its resources serving the most vulnerable and unattended in collaboration with local Caritas agencies and the authorities.

What do we need now?

CADIS relies on the economic support offered by the Camillian network and the generosity of our donors.

CADIS needs confreres (men and women) ready to render counseling services with the survivors, a project yet to be defined in its contents but – needless to say – an urgent need in the coming days and weeks. We appeal in a special way to the Italian Provinces, without excluding others.

In the spirit of St Camillus, we believe in the strength of “maternal love” (rule #27).

Aristelo Miranda, MI
Director, CADIS