

Dear Confreres, Collaborators and Friends,
We report to you what we received from the Congregation for the Religious:

Vatican City, 09 April 2014

Rev. Fr. Paolo Guarise,
Vicar General,

With reference to Folium Prot. N. 40.525 of 3 April 2014, signed by the Substitute of the Secretariat of State, we received the communication that the Holy Father in date 2 of April accepted the resignation of Rev. Fr. Renato Salvatore from the office of Superior General of the Order of Clerics Regular Ministers of  the Infirm ( Camillians).
Because of that now it is possible “to proceed as soon as possible to elect the new government of the Order by means of an Extraordinary General Chapter”. The Holy Father confirmed as well that this Sacred Congregation “can opportunely send one of its representatives” to the same Extraordinary General Chapter.

I ask the Lord to bless you and all the Confreres of the Order, so that this time may represent for everyone a moment of grace and an opportunity of spiritual growth.

Yours fraternally in the Crucified and Risen Lord,

Jõao Braz de Aviz


The Confreres will receive soon the date and the necessary dispositions for the celebration of the Extraordinary General Chapter.

We thank you for your nearness and prayers, presenting you our best wishes for a fruitful Easter Season.

The General Consulta

Rome, April 1, 2014

Look here at the press information.